Hello and welcome to Day 7.
Welcome to the final day of this 7-day intuition course. This first audio will set up the exercise for the day. It will provide more details as to why we are doing this particular exercise. Enjoy.
Let’s Get Started With Day 7
Exercise: Smell
Step One
Listen to the exercise here: (Or simply read on)
Step Two
How did you do?
We all smell things. But do you actually know what things smell like?
Generally, things that we consume or are around every day, we are pretty familiar with. We could probably identify them with our eyes closed. But what about things we are not around as often.
What does a blueberry smell like as opposed to a blackberry?
What does mint smell like as opposed to basil?
What does pomegranate smell like?
What does molasses smell like?
What is a kumquat? What does it smell like?
There are so many things we could play with. Sometimes a smell will be very familiar but we cannot quite identify what it is. Sometimes we will come across things we have never smelled before.
As an advanced exercise, try looking at yourself in the mirror. Focus on your upper body and the area around your head. Can you see any waves of energy? Also try this exercise with a partner. Can either of you see anything?
Why Bother?
Why Bother?
Developing our senses and expanding our array of “experiences” assists us as we navigate this world in which we live. By becoming more aware of our environment, we are better able to adjust course and successfully navigate to where we want to go.
In any given moment, we use a multitude of senses to identify and assess our surroundings. The stronger each of our senses are, the easier it is for them all to work together to create the best experience possible.
What We Smell Affects Our Mood
The sense of smell is a sense that is often taken for granted. But it is, in fact, a very important sense. What we smell can greatly affect our mood. The ability to identify what and why we are smelling something can therefore assist greatly in our ability to not only control our mood and emotions, but will give us input on how to get rid of smells that we don’t like.
Consider a fridge that has a bad smell. The sooner you can identify what it is in the fridge that is creating the foul oder,.. the sooner you can find it and get rid of it.
On the other hand, what if you knew which smells relaxed you, which smells gave you energy, and which smells put you in a great mood? Wouldn’t it be fun to have some of those smells on hand when you wanted to shift your own energy?
If you want to bring something to you – focus on it. If you don’t want something in your life, in order to release it you have to NOT focus on it. The more you focus on something – anything- the more of it you will draw into your life.
So, if you want to understand something, you should spend more time focusing on it and insights will come to you. If you want to get good at something – spend time on it. Practice. Whatever we focus on will get bigger. And hopefully better
What’s Next?
If any of this intrigues you and you want to know more about what you are perceiving and why, there is so much more to discuss beyond the scope of this mini-course. I encourage you to delve deeper.
Have you ever seen the Heat rising off the highway on a hot day?
The above is a picture of the Northern Lights look like from space. What we can notice is how the lights, or the energy formations, are not uniform. This is the case with all energy, whether we can see it with our eyes, or whether we simply can “feel” it with other senses… it is not uniform.
The northern lights tend to move quite quickly through the skies, and are constantly in motion. They do not sit in any one spot for long. There are also peaks and valleys in the light output, and the colors can be varied through time.
Our Human energy fields are similar in the sense that we are also emitters of light… and that our Light Bodies are constantly in motion. Also, we are always showing off our colors for those who can see, and these colors can and will change.
Our colors are varied. They have some constants to them over time, but they are always accented by the “color of the day” or “color of the hour”… Meaning our auras are never one solid color, the colors are always in motion, and depending on our mood or the activities we are engaged in on any given day our accent colors could be very different.
As an example as to why we may exhibit one color over another, consider the different activities you engage in over the course of a day. If you are working physically hard, you may show more reds and oranges in certain areas of your aura, as these colors support power and strength. If you are sitting quietly and meditating, you may exhibit more blues and purples. If you are out sitting outside in nature, perhaps you will exude more greens.
There is no “right” or “wrong” color. The question is, rather, does a particular color support you in what you are currently doing? In fact, we can use colors in our environment to support our activities. A rich, vibrant yellow or orange kitchen can promote festivity and delight in cooking. A blue kitchen, on the other hand, may be uninspiring and too mellow for the creative chef. Conversely, you may not desire a vibrant yellow bedroom because you would not sleep well. More mellow, calming colors would be more suitable in this case. Our energy fields can more easily adjust and resonate with our surroundings if the colors around us match our mood or intention.
At the moment, there are not as many people on the earth that can see the colors of our auras without using a special camera to do so. However, it is a skill that is available to us. If you really want to practice seeing auras and colors on a daily basis, the odds are you will be able to develop that skill.
Key Takeaways From the Vision Exercise:
- We CAN train ourselves to see beyond what we currently see
- Initially we may only be aware of “distortions”, but eventually we will be able to see more detail, like colors and various wave patterns of energy flows.
- Energy is always moving. Nothing is static. Sometimes our auras can look a bit like the Northern lights in terms of the movement of energy around u