Language of Symbols
Welcome to the Language of Symbols Course. In order to get started, please watch the video below for ideas on how to navigate the site, including where to get started. This video also provides a very informative overview as to why learning many different forms of communication is so important.
Module 1: Objects and Things (Animals, plants, colours, numbers…..)
First time here?
Work your way through the material you have in front of you, and then check back soon, as we will be adding some cool bonuses to this program. You’ll find them useful! You will also be getting email reminders when a new category is added. Look for them. Enjoy.
Delayed Content
Because there is a LOT of material to digest, we have initially opened up the basic symbols module (1) as well as Module (4) which is an overall guide to using symbols for communication in every day life. Start with Module 1, and then move on to Module 4 and work through those videos. Modules 3&4 will be opened up shortly.
In this video we review why learning different types of languages is so important at this time. Also we will point out some helpful tips in how to navigate this site
The Language of Symbols – Objects and Things
Symbols are everywhere! We use them every day. But there are symbols that we are “told” to pay attention to, there are also symbols that we have “forgotten” to pay attention to. There are so many things we encounter in our lives that can be used as a metaphor for something else.
When we begin to notice these symbols and appreciate their message, our life begins to flow much more smoothly because we have now opened ourselves to another form of communication. And communication is good. Have
Up First: Animals
”]In this video we’re going to discuss the use of symbols and provide some guidance on how to use the materials on this page.
The Language of Symbols: Actions and Activities
Here we have a series of videos and PDF downloads about various locations you might find yourself in. Enjoy!
Actions and activities are very important. If we dream about doing something, it can be literal, or it could be symbolic of something else going on in our lives. How we feel about an activity is equally as important
What Do We Know About Actions and Activities?
The Language of Symbols: Locations
Here we have a series of videos and PDF downloads about various locations you might find yourself in. Enjoy!
Locations are often a very important part of a dream or “vision” because it carries with it a lot of symbolic information. For example, to be inside a structure might mean you are delving into something inside your own consciousness, to dream of an outside location may indicate you are exploring something new, beyond your own personal borders.
What Do We Know About Houses?
What about outdoor settings?
The Language of Symbols – Bigger Picture Discussions
In this section we will discuss how to put the whole picture together. Whether we are analyzing a dream, a meditation, or simply looking for ways to communicate with nature or people who are not familiar with our customs and environment – the use and understanding of symbols is very important.
Once we have an idea what symbols, actions and locations may indicate or communicate on an individual basis, it is helpful to have a framework for understanding what the message might mean.
Video 1: Everyday Communication
In this video we provide and overview on what this section is all about… how to expand your language and communication skills to create greater understanding and conscious awareness on this planet
The Language of Symbols: Everyday Communication
The way we communicate has been changing rapidly over the years. Some has offered great benefits. Some ideas we may want to re-think. Enjoy the video.
How has communication changed in recent years?
The Language of Symbols: Cross-Culture Communication
The way we communicate can be very different depending on many factors – where we are from, who we hang around with. Here is a discussion about bridging the communication gap.
What can we learn from others about communication?
The Language of Symbols: The Dark Side of Symbols
Even though symbols may have ancient origins that are positive, they may now be associated with “dark” forces or rituals. How do we deal with this?
How do we deal with symbols that seemingly have two meanings: “good” and “bad”?
The Language of Symbols: Animals
Animals have some very important characteristics and can tell us alot. Watch the video and download the PDF for some assistance in analyzing what you “see”.
Animals are living, breathing creatures that can be very complex, have many individual character traits, and therefore can have multiple meanings to different people. Keep an open mind when trying to decipher what an animal may mean to you.
The Language of Symbols: Colours
Colours are so important. They carry vibration. They can affect our mood and our experience. Enjoy!
Colours are a very important form of communication. Colours stimulate our visual senses, but they also carry a frequency with them, so that they can also be “felt”.
The Language of Symbols: Insects
Symbols are everywhere! We use them every day. When we begin to notice these symbols and appreciate their message, our life begins to flow much more smoothly because we have now opened ourselves to another form of communication. And communication is good. Have fun!
Mankind has traditionally had a love/hate relationship with insects. But when one examines insects closely they are so diverse, so powerful for suck small creatures. They each have their own important role to play on this planet and they each have particular sets of assets that we could admire if we took the time.
The Language of Symbols: Numbers
Many of us take numbers for granted. Or we don’t tend to enjoy math, so we don’t pay attention to all of what numbers have to offer. Yet one way of understanding the entire universe is through numbers. It is not the only way. But all perspectives are important to consider.
Numbers can be used to represent many things. In today’s exercise and video we have presented a simple way to use numbers as a form of communication by using them to symbolize the cycle of life. It is a very “traditional” way of using numbers to communicate, going back thousands of years. Enjoy!
]Numbers are traditionally seen as a method of counting, or of “keeping track”. Numbers are also perceived in an ordered sequence. Life also has an ordered sequence to it. Numbers can be used, therefore, to indicate a stage in the cycle of life
The Language of Symbols: Plants
Once you start paying attention to plants, you will realize how diverse they really are! Have some fun with the exercise and enjoy the video.
Plants take in CO2 and give off oxygen. They are our friends. They also absorb toxins in our environment and provide a nice, stabilizing balancing energy for us to bask in. Plants also offer individual benefits. They are so very diverse.
Symbols – Putting it All Together
In this video we have some suggestions of how to use symbols in your life as a form of communication
The Language of Symbols: Vehicles
Here we have a series of videos and PDF downloads about various locations you might find yourself in. Enjoy!
Vehicles are an important determinant of what type of journey we are currently on, and whether we have a chance of accomplishing what we set out to do. The big question is, is the vehicle we are using appropriate for what we want to accomplish?
What Do We Know About Vehicles?
Be Kind to Yourself as You Learn to “Tap-In”
”Tapping In” is a skill that can be learned. It just takes patience. And practice.
We all come into this world with our unique set of gifts and talents. When we still our minds, and learn to really listen, we will surprise ourselves at some of the things we already know, we have just “forgotten”.
The Universe communicates to us in so many languages. Pictures. Frequency. Vibration. Emotions. Symbols. Signals. The spoken language is in fact very limiting. The language of Symbols course delves into the world of communication. It will really help accelerate your journey to working with your intuition