Well here we are at day 7, our final day of this Intuition mini-course. I hope you have enjoyed the discussion and the exercises.
To recap: over the past 7 “classes” we worked with many aspects of our intuition, specifically to do with dusting off our “senses”. We worked first with vision – in terms of broadening our ability to see beyond our current limitations, as well as using our imagination to \”see\”.
We then went on to work with our ability to feel energy. Feeling energy is a skill that can be learned. Energy is much more subtle than more dense physical structures, but with practice, one can become quite adept at sensing it.
The other two senses we worked with was our emotional sense, and our mental sense, or \”knowing\”.
We often use these senses without even realizing it. Emotions can have a significant impact on us.. good and bad. With a little practice, we can learn how to use our emotions for our benefit, as opposed to feeling that we need to suppress them. They are a huge asset when harnessed properly.
In terms of our \”knowing\” ability; – everybody has access to this huge \”data base\” that can be, at times, a little bit overwhelming. We are constantly being bombarded by thoughts and ideas; Some are good, some are not as helpful.
How do we filter it all?
How do we learn to ask the right questions to get the best results?
The more we play with our own thoughts, or work with them, the more we will not only trust the information we are getting, but will feel more confident taking action based on our own \”advice\”.
When we start listening more consistently to our inner guidance, our life changes!!
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Let\’s Get Started With Day 7
Exercise: \”Sensing Your Environment\”
listen to the exercise here: (Or simply read on)
Walk into a room. Any room. How does the room “feel” to you? Hot? Cold? Warm? Inviting? Uneasy? How does it smell? Flowery? Musty?
Look around. Is it dark? Is it brightly lit? Can the sun shine in? What do you hear? Do you hear clocks ticking? Technology blasting?
What draws your attention the most? What really sticks out to you? Use the rest of the information you are perceiving to fill in the picture of what that room is all about, or what is “normally” going on in that room. Do you want to stay? Or do you want to leave? Does it have a purpose for you? Is there a certain time you would like to be there and maybe other times you would not?
It is difficult to change the energy in places that are not our own. And harder yet to make any of these changes “stick”, as others have an influence on these places as well. This is why it is always important to have your own personal space somewhere in your house or apartment that you can decorate yourself such that it is supportive of your energy. Also, this is why it is also important to go outside as often as possible and spend time in nature. Nature can be very supportive and regenerative.
When you perceive something in an environment that you don’t really like, it is generally easier to leave than to stick around and to try to change it. It is always important to weigh whether the time, energy, and effort invested in trying to change something is really worth it, or do you have better things to do with your life? The answer is almost always that you have better things to do.
When we are \”stuck\” in spaces that are not comfortable, the easiest energy to change is within ourselves. It is much easier to master control over what WE pay attention to, and what we do, than to try to change our outside world. Sound and frequency are important tools that may help keep your energy high even in more difficult situations. (Which is why so many teenagers walk around with headphones on.)
For the next little while, to the extent possible, primarily hang around in environments that are more supportive to you, and spend less time in environments that are less inviting. See if your life starts to improve a bit. Notice if your days become a little happier. Bad things may still happen, but they don’t impact you as much. In time, because you are not wasting so much of your energy trying to force an unsupportive environment to suit you, you should have tons time and energy for more enjoyable activities.
What\’s Next?
You have now graduated from the Intuition Mini-Course. I hope you enjoyed it. Do you want to go further and deeper? Intuition is available to everyone. The most important step is practice. Why not check out the video below that describes some options for going forward.
Reasons to Go Further:
Click Here to Register for Dust-Off Your Intuition
More exercises = More practice. Have some fun while honing your intuitive skills. For a reasonable price
- Working with our Intuition is a SKILL. It can be enhanced through practice
- When we hone our intuition, our life runs more smoothly.
- It is much easier to learn something with a FRAMEWORK or a structured program. This course provides you with templates and lesson plans to speed up the learning process.
- Let\’s work together discovering all the intuitive senses you have access to – some you already know about….but some you may not.
- Once we start working with your senses, it will be easier to identify what your intuitive strengths are. What are your superpowers? Everyone is unique.
- Next, we will spend some time working with various templates and frameworks to better interpret what we\’re \”getting\”.
- Finally, we will practice answering some of our burning life questions using various different methodologies. Find the ones that work best for you.
Click Here to Register for Expand Your Intuition
5 week course with plenty of exercises. Also comes with a number of Bonuses. Best Value.
In the Expand Your Intuition Course, we spend time working on both gaining greater perspective in order to better perceive our environment, and on practicing discernment – making better choices. These two skills are a fundamental building block to making life work FOR us instead of TO us.