The world is waking up.  That is a truth.  Our senses are being awakened, whether we like it or not. It doesn’t matter how afraid we are, or how resistant we are to the concept of “feeling” and “awareness”.  We really have very little choice in this matter, other than increasing our efforts to numb ourselves through distractions such as our various forms of addictions.  (nacho chips.  ice cream…..)

Now more than ever before, it is important for everyone to spend more time listening to their own voice.  This \”inner\” voice is sometimes not as loud as others out there, but it is far more important, and it needs to be acknowledged.   Often, this inner \”knowing\”, or the ability to \”feel\” or to \”see\” things is referred to as our intuition.  Using our intuition basically means accessing senses beyond our commonly known 5 physical senses.    We all have access to them.    But our ability to sense and to interpret what is sensed is a set of skills that must be developed over time.  Just like how at one time we had to learn to use our physical senses to do things like walk and to talk, we need to learn how to use our other \”gifts\” to assist us in our daily lives. For example, we can use these \”gifts\” to gain perspective and to make better decisions.

Learning new skills can be perceived as challenging, and sometimes scary.   As children we were very excited to learn new things, but as adults sometimes we hesitate.   In this case, it is worth moving beyond the hesitancy, and diving in.    There are many great reasons for developing your intuition.  Below we have listed just 5:

1  Have Better Relationships Because you Understand Yourself and Others Better

We know how important it is to have access to our intuition when we are in trouble, or when we are feeling desperate.    But intuition is also used to understand each other in peaceful times.  If we resonate with another person, we can \”feel\” what is going on with them and we can relate to them better.  Sometimes, when we get to know someone very well, we can answer each other\’s questions without anyone speaking out loud.  Now, that is a magical experience!

2.  Empower Yourself; Know what to do and when to do it

We love to watch movies where the star gets into a jam and comes up with the most creative ways of solving their problems.   We all want to be a bit like them.  What if we said, you ARE like them?   And what about making your intuition work for you every day, even when you are not just in a jam?   What would your life be like if you started today – tuning in and using that information to make your life work?

3. Make Better Decisions; Save time and money

When we are tuned in to our intuition, we are able to make decisions and plan for our future with confidence.

Accessing our intuition puts us in the position to access ideas and information we hadn\’t considered before.  And it helps us prioritize information we already know about.  It helps us find that which is the most important.  It points us in the right direction.

4. Make Chaos a Thing of the Past; Control your destiny

If we do not learn to work with our intuitive abilities and all of our senses, it is like sitting in the back of a bus on a dusty bumpy road – we are all going on the same trip – do you want to sit in the back getting jostled around inhaling dust or do you want to sit in the front seat and observe/dictate where you are going?

We are constantly having experiences.  When we actively participate in the direction our lives take, we end up with more enjoyable experiences.

5. Gain Perspective;  Sidestep obstacles effortlessly

There are plenty of obstacles in our way on the path to our success.   It is important we develop an ability to see them from a distance.  When we know they are there, we can simply look down at them and admire their beauty.  When we are being jostled around in the ocean beside the rocks… it is not a pretty sight!

But Let’s Be Practical…Can I Make Money With It?

Well, when you develop your intuition you can use this ability to help others.  Many do.  You could do readings for other people.  At the beginning you might use Tarot cards or angel cards to assist you.  You could help a lot of people in this manner.  And you could earn money doing it.

Most people who use their intuition to become wealthy do so indirectly – meaning they listen to their intuition to spot opportunities.     Everywhere.

Your Intuition will make it easier for YOU to take care of YOU.

  • Eat better food because you will \”feel\” whether it is good before you ingest it.
  • Get better jobs because you will \”know\” where to look and where to go and what to say
  • Make better investments with both your time and money because you will \”feel\” what excites you, and what lowers your vibration.
  • Live a healthier life because you \”know\” what works for your body
  • Solve any crisis in your life with confidence and patience, as you will be able to trust that a multiple of solutions will be provided to you – you get the pick the best one!
  • Stay at better, not necessarily more expensive, hotel rooms because you will \”intuit\” the right one to book.
  • Avoid traffic jams because you will simply pick the better routes.
  • Find that parking spot in that crowded mall at christmas time because you will pull up just as someone is pulling out.

Intuition is something we were all born with, but it is also something that we can develop to much greater levels.  Instead of  being able to rely on it just sometimes, we can get to the point where it is always turned on, and it really does help guide us throughout our entire day.   And yes, anyone can develop it on their own doing games and exercises to expand their awareness of their senses and simply \”exercising the intuition muscle\”.

However, if you are having trouble getting motivated, or coming up with ideas of what games to play or exercises to do, I have three options for you listed below…from an all-in, \”let\’s do this\” commitment, to a more dip-your-toe into the water kind-of approach.  Pick one and enjoy

Expand Your Intuition

If are ready to dive in, and want to find out more about Expanding Your Intuition    Click Here

You will be taken to a page which has a description of the course as well as a video you can watch discussing more about why intuition is so important for you to develop…. it will really assist you in making your life work for YOU!   There is lots of content inside, and it should keep you busy for about 5 weeks.   We begin with identifying your strengths, we then work on your ability to \”tap in\” using those strengths, and then we spend time working on translating what it is you \”get\” into making it work for you in your everyday life.

The course consists of 5 modules, includes a private membership area with instant access and unlimited access.  We don\’t lock you out of the program after a year.   You can return to the program.   There are also audio and PDF downloads available so you can access the material in different formats.   What this course provides for you is structure, guidance, support, and discipline.   We encourage you to do the exercises.  We slide in some unexpected bonuses along the way to help you in your journey, and we provide unlimited email support so when you do have those burning questions you can just pop us a line.  We would love to hear from you.             Click Here.

Dust-Off Your Intuition

If you just want to play some games, have some fun, and hone your skills of \”tapping in\” through practicing a variety of exercises, maybe the Dust-Off Your Intuition course would be more your speed.   It is a great way to develop your \”sixth sense\”.    When you enrol, you will gain access to a private membership area which is loaded with games and exercises you can play by yourself, or invite some friends over and have some laughs.  As you immerse yourself in the exercises, you will undoubtably surprise yourself on your own capabilities.     There are audios as well as written exercises, and all exercises are accompanied by an explanation or commentary on the results you might be experiencing.                        Click Here.

Free Intuition Mini-Course

If you just want to dip your toe in the water,  get started with our FREE Mini-COURSE working with your Intuition.  Click Here.   There are some fun exercises you can play with.  You will receive one email per day for the next 7 days.  Each email will describe what \”sense\” you are working with that day, and you can click on links to access audio and video versions of the exercises.  If you play along you might surprise yourself at what you knew you didn\’t know you knew.

Ultimately, I recommend that you just go for it and Expand Your Intuition.    There is no accident you found this page.  It is time.   When you click on this link you will be taken to a video where you will be able to find out more about Expanding Your Intuition.    You will learn the three most important steps to developing your intuition.   We will work on identifying what your intuitive strengths are.   And you will learn a little bit about how one attains infinite wisdom.      Click Here

p.s. As one of the many bonuses to the Expand Your Intuition program, you will be given access to Dust-Off your Intuition.   So you will not miss out on any of the exercises.    You won\’t believe everything that we have in store for you here.  Because we want you to have fun.  And we want you to succeed.  Enjoy.

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