Tapping in to Your “Knowing”

The common definition of “Clear Knowing” is that thoughts and ideas “drop down” into your head, and while they seemingly come from nowhere, they turn out to be really good ideas… or are a really good “knowing”.

It is never too late to start allowing yourself to think \”outside the box\”. This \”knowing\” is available to anyone who allows their mind to float freely and to access the vast array of knowledge that is out there. One of the secrets is not to get \”married\” to the first thought that comes along.   Go out and explore.   It just takes a little practice.

Further, those who tend to be quite good at receiving and acknowledging these thoughts are people who have already developed the confidence and the ability to tap into a vast array of thoughts and information through years of practice, and are comfortable accepting these concepts and acting upon them.  This can take some time to for some, given our several thousand-year history of mis-information.  Many of us have forgotten what it\’s like to be able to trust our own thoughts (let alone anyone else\’s).

Seeking Out New Ideas Using Guides

Getting the Ideas to Flow

A bit about your “knowing” sense and some ways to enhance your ability to use it to your benefit.

Typically, we think of \”bright ideas\” or thoughts that just drop into our heads as a \”knowing\”.    In order to be more open to \”knowing\”, we need to stay open to multiple perspectives on any issue, and be receptive to a flow of new ideas.   Often our human response to new ideas is to resist and even contradict them.

If we are initially unattached to any outcome, we open up to more and greater possibilities.  After we have received a multitude of new thoughts or ideas, that is when we can begin to be discerning and reject some.   But not at the beginning of our exploration.

If we find ourselves looping around in the same thought patterns over and over, this cuts down our ability to access new ideas.  In this case, it is helpful to to change our circumstances, or setting, frequently so that we can tap into different environments and therefore perspectives and ideas.

More Information on Thoughts if You Wish to Delve Deeper:

Where do Thoughts Come From?

Thought forms are everywhere. We don’t really store things inside our head. Our heads are not like hard drives. It is more like all the data, or thoughts, that we access, are stored in a “cloud”. The things we access most frequently are stored on “servers” closer to us. Things we access less frequently take a little more effort to locate, but as with the internet, there are tons and tons of thought forms out there, we just have to locate them.  If we want to.

How do We Get Thoughts?

How Do I Search For New and Different Thoughts and Ideas?

How do I know if the thoughts in my head are \”good\” thoughts, or \”good\” ideas?

Accessing Your “Highest and Best” Thoughts and Ideas

For those of us who are frequent users of search engines on the internet, we all know that just because it “shows up” in google, it is not always the “highest and best” answer. There are advertisers who pay to place their ideas and solutions in front of you. These may be the very solutions you are looking for. For example, grocery stores will often send out flyers on a weekly basis. This a good place to look if you are planning on buying groceries. Because brand names and quality of goods are fairly uniform across grocery stores such that price in the form of “specials” and “sales” is very reliable input. However, if you are making a bigger purchase such as a new car, the paid advertisement by a car company should be but a small input into your overall decision. There are so many other factors that need to be looked at. You will have to do much more research, and take a few more test drives to reach a conclusion.

When you are using the internet to solve your problem you will notice that there are “solutions” out there that people frequently click on. This could be an indication that these “ideas” are in the consciousness of many users of the internet, and is therefore the most reliable. A good example of this being helpful is when you are looking for a good place to eat. Generally speaking, online restaurant reviews are a good place to start. However, if you are trying to solve a newer problem, or a larger problem, you will likely need to branch out beyond the most popular solutions. Volume of clicks, or a significant number of people quoting a certain thought pattern, may not be your “highest and best” choice of what to pay attention to.

Sometimes you will have to scroll to page 2 before you find the information you really want. Or, conversely, you may need to rephrase your question a number of different ways to broaden out the information/feedback. You may also have to look to new sources that are not as well known. For example, seek out those who have provided you sound information in the past, even if they are not that popular. The information is all there, it is just in knowing where to look. Information that is not as well known, or is not focused on, may simply take a little more digging to locate.

In summary, whether it be googling the internet, talking to friends, or having an internal dialogue, our “search results” are dependent on three key things; one is the “words” or “questions” we use when we are performing our search. The better we define our problem, the easier it will be to search for an answer.

Size and the uniqueness of the problem is another important factor. If we are seeking answers to a very common, small problem, there are generally many great solutions available, and we can probably rely on the first solution that pops up in front of us, as the solution with the most traffic is generally the most reliable. For a larger, more unique problem, we will want to broaden the search and obtain much more input.

Finally, finding an optimal, or “highest and best” solution, is very dependent on the quality and expansiveness of the data and the particular “data base” we are accessing. If a person we are talking to doesn’t have knowledge of a particular subject, it won’t matter what we ask them, they won’t be able to answer the question. We need to be open to searching different “data bases” to find new perspectives.

Here is a list of Things You Can Do to Help the Process of Accessing New Thoughts and Perspectives

Clear the Clutter

You need to clear your mind of all that “clutter” and noise from everyone else’s thoughts, They’re not yours. And at the end of the day they don’t really matter. When you die you will not care that Joe’s wife slept with Suzie or that Skittles comes in five flavours. Let it all go.

Raise Your Vibration

We draw to us thoughts and ideas that are vibrating at the frequency at which we are currently vibrating. So if you really wish to draw in clear, wonderful, inspiring thoughts and ideas, you simply need to raise your vibration. I know, the concept may be simple, but accomplishing this on a regular, consistent basis can be a bit more difficult. Life Happens. But your objective is clear. If you are interested in exploring this topic further, we have an entire webpage dedicated to this concept. Click Here.

Access Multiple Perspectives

Ever feel “stuck in a rut”? You crave new experiences, new ideas, yet you just seem to keep going around in circles? or perhaps you’ve found yourself in a comfortable, safe space, but are now finding yourself bored and even depressed. There is no spark.

In computer terms, it is as if we never venture beyond our own personal “cloud” of thoughts and ideas. We just keep accessing the very same file servers over and over again, getting the very same files. In order to get new insights and ideas, in order to have new experiences and inspiration we must venture out beyond where we have been before. We must open ourselves up to new information and ways of “seeing” things – new perspectives.

Talk to new people, travel to places you have never been before.  Visit new websights you\’ve never seen before.  Watch or read content by new authors that may not be as popular but seem to have a solid understanding of the topic they are discussing.   Their presentation format my not be as glitzy and polished, but the content may be inspiring.

Learn Discernment

Just like when we use google, we must open up the “thought form” and take a quick look at it. Just because it came up in the search results doesn’t make it “good”. We must learn to discern whether what we drew in is something we want to keep. How do we discern? Our feeling sense is one of the best ways to see whether something resonates with us or not. if it makes you feel good, you should spend some time with it. if it doesn’t make you feel good, discard it and go get another one. Just like the internet, there are tons more where that one came from.

Final Piece:   Give it Some Structure

As we have learned from google, there is more information available to us than we can ever possibly hope to process in this lifetime. A sought-after skill is to find a way to effectively organize our thoughts.   Take your best ideas, write them down or record them, and place them in a \”category\” folder so when you are looking for them again they will be easy to find. There is no time like the present to act. Categorize them broadly as you receive them, and, because you are \”organized\”, you will be open to receive even more great ideas.  They will just keep flowing because you are not blocking them due to overwhelm.    Later, when you \”open\” your category folder, you will have an abundance of new thoughts and ideas and somehow they will suddenly fit together and make sense.  They will paint a wonderful portrait of new thinking.

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