
Your intuition is your connection between \”You\” and \”You\”.    The \”You\” that walks around on the earth plane, (asleep half the time), and the \”You\” that is more expansive.

Developing a stronger intuitive connection is all about working with your current senses that we all know about, and with the senses you didn\’t even know you had.  Ultimately, what you are seeking is more control and awareness in your everyday life.    So that you can choose optimal experiences and greater growth opportunities.    And play, have fun, and laugh a lot more.


The simplest of our \”intuitive\” senses to understand are simply an extension of our physical senses.  i.e. being able to see or hear beyond the spectrum that most humans can (animals can, why can\’t we?).

Some other senses that you have probably not spent a lot of time developing in this lifetime have more to do with sensing less tangible things.   We often refer to it as sensing \”Energy\”.   Energy is everywhere.   And energy has various qualities.  And it is ever-changing.  It is often fluid.  Much like water.  It can have different densities.   It can come in waves, or it can be calm and still.    If you hit it at high speeds it can feel like a rock.  If you just \”slip in\”, it can part seamlessly.    You can learn to \”feel\” energy with your body, and with your hands.   It just takes awareness, and a little practice.

Why?  What\’s the Point?

As you \”play\” with your intuitive abilities, and realize the potential that you really have – to sense and interact with your surroundings, you will realize how much more control you can have as you drive your \”vehicle\” through life.

We could equate it to the difference between being a passenger in the back of a bus, to being the driver of your own private vehicle.    Our surroundings and how we perceive them impact our experiences.   To ignore this is simply NOT to be in the driver\’s seat.  It is like sitting in the back of the bus.  We are all going somewhere, but from the back we can\’t really see much of where we\’re going.  In this scenario, we have absolutely no control over our experience.   Someone, or some \”thing\”, is taking us on a journey, and we just hope they\’re a good driver and they know what they\’re doing….   and we know how that typically works out for us.

What\’s the Process?

Learning to drive your own vehicle takes time.  You start with something smaller, and maybe drive it in a controlled environment.. like say a parking lot.   As you get more confident, you take it out on the roads.   But perhaps, initially, you try and avoid stressful situations like rush-hour traffic.     The more you drive your own vehicle, the more confident your become.  The more relaxed you will feel.  The more opportunity you will have to look around you as you go.  The more you will see.  The more you will experience.

Developing your intuition can be a joyful experience.  Like every skill you have ever learned, you must practice.  But, if that sounds like work to you, we will re-phrase the sentence.  If you were a 7-year old child, I would simply suggest that we play some games.  Specific games.  Where you are being challenged a little, you\’re having fun, and you don\’t even realize you\’re actually learning something very important.

Free 7-day mini-Course.   Have fun with Your Intuition


This is what we would refer to as a baby step.  It\’s free.  it\’s fun.  And there is very little commitment on your part.   If you read the emails and do the exercises, you will learn something.   And by realizing that you actually can do this, you actually do have some intuitive \”strong points\”, maybe you will be inspired to take it that one step further and work on those strengths in a larger way.

Each day for the next 7 days, an email will be delivered to your inbox with a brief description of the area we will be working with that day, and then you will given a short exercise to play with.   It should take no more than 5-7 minutes of your time to read the email and the exercise instructions.  How much time you spend doing the daily exercise is up to you!

Sign Up Here

Browse Our Suite of Intuition Courses

Dust-Off Your Intuition

This is a compilation of exercises and games that you can play by yourself, or invite some friends over and have a few laughs and some fun.    After each exercise, there is a brief recap so that you can compare notes and gather a few more insights about what you have just experienced.

This course is all about improving your ability to \”tap in\”.   If you really want to get better at something, you really do need to practice.  If you turn \”practice\” into an enjoyable exercise or game, you will actually want to do it.  That is the objective with this short course.    Learning through enjoyment.

There is a private membership area which you have unlimited access to.   There is no expiry date on your access.   The exercises are delivered in an audio/visual format, and there are plenty of resources available to keep you busy for a long while.

Language of Symbols

\"LofSumWalk180X150\"This course is for those who would like some assistance understanding what it is they \”get\”.    When we tap into the universe, and we employ multiple senses in order to do so, what we receive is not exactly transmitted through the english language.    It comes in the form of impression, feelings, thoughts, ideas, pictures, songs, tones,…whatever it is that you can perceive can be interpreted and understood.

This course spends a great deal of time specifically reviewing the various meanings of common symbols:  i.e. colours, numbers, insects, animals.   This will greatly enhance your ability to apply what it is you\’re \”tapping into\” into your daily life.   This course also spends a great deal of time on Dream Interpretation and how to look at not only physical symbols, but those of actions and locations, moods and activities.     This will also help us work with languages and symbols we encounter in everyday life, and in our meditations.

When you purchase the Language of Symbols course, you are also given unlimited access to the Dust-Off Your Intuition course.   The two can be used together, as you will now have much greater clarity about what you are getting as you play the games and exercises.     There is a private membership area.  There is no expiry date on your access.   The lessons and exercises are delivered in an audio/visual and written format, so there is something for everyone.   Check out this bundle for only US$69.


Expand Your Intuition

\"ExpandThis is for those who really are serious about  making their life work for them.  This course is not only loaded with exercises to help you work with expanding your intuition, it maps out a journey for you to take that will really expand the way you receive information and apply it to your daily life.

It is a 5 week course, with daily exercises and ascending levels of challenges and teachings to do each day.    We start by focusing on your strengths.   We identify your \”go-to\” senses.  From there we provide tools and structures for broadening out your ability to \”tap in\” to the universal knowledge and wisdom.  Finally, we spend a great deal of time working on  understanding and applying what it is you are \”getting\”.  It is one thing to be able to receive information, it is a whole other thing to know what to do with it…..

Included with this course is unlimited access to both the Dust Off Your Intuition course and the Language of Symbols Course.   As an additional bonus, you will be provided with tools to Shift Your Vibration.   This involves a separate set of MP3 recordings that will shift your energy and place you in a big bubble on soothing light as you do your exercises and practice your skills.

Some of the benefits of Expanding Your Intuition is that you will find it much easier to make decisions.  You will also be able to access better choices and new perspectives you might not have considered before.   You will also be given the tools to be more discerning – know what to move toward, and know what to let go of.  This will be of immense help in your relationships, and in your career.

Communication happens in multiple formats and from multiple sources.   This course provides a fun and supportive environment to work on developing the skills to \”tap in\” in the best way possible.  By the end of this course you will feel more comfortable listening to your own internal advice, and you will be empowered to make better decisions.

Harness Your Intuition Course

A course that takes everything one step further.    Once you begin to feel relatively comfortable with using your intuition, and become pretty good at understanding what it is you are \”sensing\” or \”seeing\”, it is time to put it to use in the real world.

We will still practice how to \”tap in\”, because there is always room for improvement.   And we will spend a bit more time on interpreting what we get.   Because translation is important.    From there, what we really need to spend our time and energy on is making it work for us in real life situations.    What\’s the point of getting good at something if we don\’t use it to make our lives run smoothly and with ease?

Making \”good\” decisions and trusting those decisions is a very important piece of the puzzle.

Topics covered include:

Obtaining greater perspective.   Seeing a bigger picture than you are used to.  This involves becoming more observant, as well as reaching a higher vantage point where it is much easer to observe the bigger picture.

Spotting opportunities.  What are your options?  For every circumstance, there is always more than one choice, more than one path to take, or opportunity to take advantage of.  And from this new greater perspective, there are many more opportunities available than you may have even considered before.

Practicing discernment.  We will answer the question, \”How do I know this is the right choice?\”.  What if there is more than one good option?    How do I sift through all of my opportunities?

Creating your experience.    Finding Your Focus.   Setting Goals.   Prioritizing projects.        This is where you actually make choices and put them into action in your life.     This is where the rubber meets the road.

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