Q. Can We Predict the Future?
The answer is Yes. And No.
This is a planet of free choice. We all have free will. In every moment of every day we make our own decisions of what to think, how to act, even how to feel. With every single human on the planet acting with free will, what we have here is something called “organized chaos”. There is structure and organization in our lives, in our societies, in our cultures, and these structures play a big role in determining our behaviours. Yet there are these “wild cards” in that every human has the choice to “act unpredictably” at any given moment. Large events involving great numbers of people are easier to predict than individual behaviours. Large events have more momentum behind them, and more parties invested in the “experience”. They are harder to stop. Which makes them fairly predictable.
If you would like to read more on this subject, read the full post here
Q. Should We Protect Ourselves?
- You will drive into what you focus on. If you focus on the need for protection, and you are constantly arming yourself with guns and ammunition, you will draw that into your life.
- “The best defence is a good offence”. One of my favourite quotes. Even the best team in the league has a defence, but for them the offence is so darned good that the defence really doesn’t have to work all that hard. And, because they are not exhausted all time, when the opposition does get the advantage, the defence has plenty of time and energy to deal with it.
- It is rather silly to walk into dark alleys, especially unescorted. Sometimes some “undesirables” do hang out there, and normally they wouldn’t bug you at all – but you did enter their “home” so you may have stirred them up. Find something else to do with your time.
- Sometimes protection is quite necessary. The key is to choose the appropriate protection for the circumstance. In winter time, wear a warm coat and get some warm footwear. But protection does cut down on your mobility – or your freedom to move. Which is why you see some 20 year-olds outside in the cold wearing shorts. They are in pursuit of freedom and don’t intend to stay outside very long. When they do start to get cold it’s easier for them to run back into the house quickly because they are unimpeded by heavy clothing. But of course they can’t stay out long or go too far away from the door! In your own climate or “territory”, it is much easier to predict what you will need for protection, and you may not need to carry as much of it with you. When you travel, it is always a good idea to research a little bit about what’s important to the locals. Do what is necessary for the circumstances which you are in, but always remember that too much “luggage” reduces your flexibility and your ability to get the most out of your experience.
- When we say things to people like ”Be careful driving home”, or “Watch our for…” yet there is no specific basis to be concerned, what we are actually doing is “cursing” that individual’s journey by placing fear and doubt where there doesn’t need to be any. I, like anyone, like to receive a valid warning. i.e. “look over there, that driver is not noticing the crosswalk and is just going to drive through. Don’t start walking just yet”. This can be helpful information, as it can actually prevent an accident. But constantly putting out generalized statements about what “may” happen has the opposite effect. The comments focus everyone’s attention on potential dangers instead of focusing on the job at hand. It handicaps people from reaching their true potential.
- Ask for assistance. There is nothing on this planet you can’t handle. You are a very powerful being. However, if you do find yourself in a compromising situation, it is often best to get help to find your way out. It\’ll just be a lot after that way. There is strength in numbers.
- Create your own sacred space and only allow those who are truly aligned with you to enter that space. This may be your home, this may be your bedroom, or this may be a quiet place you go to on a mountaintop. Just make it your own and allow it to support you.