Welcome to Things I’ve Discovered, an Awakening Journey Roadmap.

This is a treasure trove of information, tools and inspiration for navigating the awakening process.

Our objective is to provide you with some support and structure – a roadmap if you will – so that you can navigate the Awakening Process with more grace and ease.  When you are on a journey, you are there for the experience.  That is what you remember.  That is what you will take “home” with you.    Therefore, while you will find many informative articles, and links to fantastic books and videos, I encourage you to engage in one of the number of “experiences”, or courses, recommended as well.

There are various subjects you will likely be drawn to on your Awakening Journey.  You will undoubtably be drawn to anything and everything to do with Shifting Your Vibration, Health and Nutrition, Clearing Emotional Blocks, Working with Thought Forms, Meditation practices, Developing Your Intuition, Communication with Guides and the Universe, and Finding your Passion.  Because this is a journey, one finds it difficult to experience everything at once.   The energy gets dispersed over too many platforms.   It’s helpful to spend some quality time at each “destination”, Tackle each topic in steps, or stages.  .Our goal is for you to be able to find your joy and passion, lead a healthy and wealthy life, and obtain the balance and self-confidence you crave.

About the Process

In developing the Awakening Journey Roadmap, we identified three key “destinations”, or pillars, to focus on. Of course there are many more “places” to visit, but consider these to be the more encompassing destination. The goal, at the end of the day, is to become Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.

This is a journey. There is no endpoint per se. Each time we spend time at a destination, we grow as a person. We don’t have to spend all of our time in one place, working in one area. In fact, it is often more fun to travel around, spend a bit of time in each destination, take in all that we can absorb, and move on to the next. Knowing that we can always come back.

Everyone’s journey will be different, for a variety of reasons. This is why what we present is a ROADMAP that you can follow, that will remind you of the major destinations, and will point out many fun stops along the way to these destinations. The idea is to take your time, and find ways to enjoy the journey we call life.


Begin with  Developing Your Intuition, and improving your link and communication with your “higher self” and accessing the infinite knowledge available in the Universe.  Among other things, access to superior, reliable information will help you make better decisions.


Health is a vast topic. And there is a lot of great information “out there” that can help you along your way. Within this roadmap, we cannot cover everything you could possibly encounter. Instead, we provide a FRAMEWORK of understanding that will help you assess what you encounter. We place our focus on Shifting Your Vibration, which means ensuring your physical, emotional, mental and energy bodies flow freely and smoothly, void of all distractions and constrictions.  When you shift your vibration, you open yourself up to more opportunities, and access greater perspective. This will help you make more optimal choices for yourself.


To be wealthy is not simply about making money. In fact, to be soley focused on just the money side of things can lead to a very lonely, unfulfilled life. Here, we place emphasis on Making Money Doing What You Love, which involves not just making money in order to live, but finding your passion and creating ways to receive abundance from expressing that passion out in the world.   When you tap into your own personal abundance you will  access healthier and better connections with others on this planet.

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Would You Like to Get Started on This Journey?

Get started by signing up for the free Intuition Mini-Course.   It is a seven-part email course that provides a little blurb each day about a certain topic and then provides a fun exercise to do that will assist you in harnessing your Intuitive abilities.

There is no Time like the Present to get re-acquainted with your Intuition.  Make better  decisions.  Reduce the stress in your life.  Your intuition is there for you.  Learn to use it.   Click Here for your Free 7-day mini-Course

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