Dust Off Your intuition Template

  1. Mixed Bag
  2. How Close are You
  3. Before we meet
  4. Quelle heure
  5. Bubble of light
  6. Red or black
  7. Daily routine
  8. Guess the object
  9. Pendulum
  10. Simple Card Deck
  11. Who do you admire
  12. Imagination A
  13. Imagination B
  14. Imagination C
  15. Imagination D
  16. Taste
  17. Sound
  18. Smell
  19. Vision (Seeing)
  20. Knowing
  21. Feeling (touch)
  22. Feeling (emotions)
  23. Creating Sacred Space
  24. Finding your Strengths
  25. Secrets to tapping in
  26. Bonus – Numbers
  27. Bonus – colours
  28. Understanding what you “get”

Mixed Bag

The intention of this Course is to make tapping into your intuition “fun” by turning the exercises into games that you can play any time.

The first exercise is on this page. Or, scroll down on the menu and choose which exercise you want to try. There are general exercises at the beginning so that you can dive in and play some games, and then further down there are some exercises and material dedicated to experimenting with and honing the more commonly-used individual senses. Have fun with it.

Recap of the Exercise

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]You can put three objects in three different bags, mix them up and choose only one bag to focus on.  Because you know the contents of all three bags, you will have a 1/3 probability of being guessing which object is in the bag.  And of course, 2/3 probability you guessed wrong.

If the objects are of a different weight, make sure you don’t pick them up and move them around because of course that would give away the answer.

A:  With the three bags in front of you and without touching them, write down what you think each is?

B:  Focus on only one of the bags and see what else you can “inuit” about the contents.

What do you see?

What do you feel?

Do you hear anything?  Smell?

Different people have different strengths.  Run through your senses one at a time and make a guess just based on that sense.   You may get different answers.  Don’t worry about that.  Focus on one sense, figure out what “guess” you would make using that sense, write that guess down, and move on to the next sense.  When you are done, look in the bag and see how accurate you were.

Our senses don’t always go directly to the answer.  Sometimes they give us clues to what the answer is and we have to figure out what that clue means.  Be patient.  We are here to play.  And to learn.

How Close are You

Recapping the Exercise

How did you do?  How close did the other person have to come before you “felt” their presence?

Make sure you try this from the front, and then from the back, because most of us have different sensitivities around our bodies.  Sometimes we can’t stand having someone behind us, and thus we will have a stronger reaction to a presence there, yet sometimes we are more aware of what is in front of us, and we will notice someone far earlier, or at a greater distance away in the front.   It is such an individual experience.

Play this game more than once.   On a different day you may have different sensitivities to energies, so you may get different results.

Before we meet

You will typically “know” the minute you meet this person how accurate you were when you “tapped in” ahead of time.   Usually what you feel or see is something “top of the mind” and will come up in conversation in the first couple of sentences.

In order to really test your accuracy, however, don’t simply announce that you are playing a “game”.   Rather,  just listen to this person for awhile as to how their day is going and what is up with them before you change the subject and talk about other things.   The more casual you are, the better.  Sometimes when we ask too many leading questions or come up with suggestions instead of simply listening, we affect the other person’s mood or way of thinking and what they would normally say will be altered.    When we “go with the flow”, it is far easier to read another person’s energy.

Sometimes the person you are interacting with simply doesn’t want to talk about a certain topic.  So, you could be right or you could be wrong in what you are thinking, but you may never know….   But in these cases often changing the topic and offering up new thoughts and ideas and maybe some humour and lightheartedness is exactly what is required for that situation.

Often, when we meet up with friends, we desire to do exactly that.  Change the subject.  Get out from under what may be troubling us, and just have a few laughs.  So, ultimately, that might be the goal of the encounter.  Dwelling on what is going “wrong” in our lives doesn’t always fix things.   So keep that in mind as well.   Sometimes the best support we can give someone is simply offering the ability to see more perspectives.   By broadening the conversation.  And engaging in new or different activities.

Knowledge is one thing.  What we do with that knowledge is another.    The more aware we, as humanity, become of our surroundings and interactions, the more responsibility we take on for “doing the right thing”.    The “right thing” could be silence.  The “right thing” could be to speak out.

Ultimately, it is about following our heart and doing what “feels” right in any given situation.  There is no textbook answer here, because every circumstance is so unique.    But connecting with humans is an important part of why we are here.  Connection is what will save humanity from addictions, from the insanity which is war, and so much more.  The more connected we become, the better the planet will be for all

Quelle Heure

The more recently you have looked at the clock, the more accurate you are going to be.  but play this game often and it really will hone your skills and teach you to trust your judgement.

How did it feel those times you got it right?

What swayed your guess the times you got it wrong?

This is such an easy game to play because you really don’t need many props other that a clock, and you can do it over and over and over again.  Time keeps ticking on.

Bubble of Light

The bigger the energy field, the easier this exercise will be.  So a half-dead plant would not be the best choice to start with, until maybe you get a little more confident about what you are “seeing”.

Don’t judge what it is you see.  Sometimes you will see colours, sometimes you may see something symbolic than what is actually there.   The symbolism would be there to help you interpret or understand what it is you are perceiving.

Work with this over time, scanning different objects and things, until you notice some patterns, and some consistencies as to how you perceive energy.

Red or Black

Engage you senses in trying to find “clues” as to whether the card is red or black.  Everyone has different strengths, so no two people will get the same methodology.

Do you “feel” anything different?  Hot?  Cold?  Buzzing?

If you close your eyes do you “see” any clues?   Colours?  Symbols?

Do you simply “know”?   Do the words “red” or “black” simply drop into your head?

Don’t be too hard on yourself.  Keep practicing, you will eventually find a pattern or a rhythm to it.

Daily Routine

If you develop a routine of doing this, you will begin to establish an understanding and a form of communication with yourself.   Certain feelings, pictures, ideas will mean certain things, and once you have experienced them, you will remember for next time.

You will be able to establish priorities for your day as you check on different issues and “feel” which is more urgent

You will “remember” things that are important that had slipped your mind because you took the time to “check in”.

You will sometimes get an emotional “heads up” on what you are about to encounter that day, which will help you in dealing with it when it comes up later.    It is always helpful to have the questions before the interview so you prepare by looking up the answers.   It is helpful to know what you will encounter emotionally in a given day so you can review which type of response would best serve you.

Guess the Object

This exercise as it is written requires two people.  (Scroll down for variations as to how to play this game with only one person).  

Pick three “pairs” of objects, so for example, pick three of: two pencils, two forks, two similar gems…    You will end up with 6 items in total.    The more energy in the item, or the more familiar you are with the items, the easier this exercise will be.    

More suggestions:   Two flowers.    Two tennis balls.   Two tomatoes.  Two chocolates.  Two car keys…..

Each person takes three items – one of the items from each “pair”.  One person is the guesser, the other is the chooser.   You can sit facing each other, or you can sit back to back.    If you face each other, the “guesser” needs to keep their eyes closed or wear a blindfold until the reveal.

The “chooser” chooses an item and holds it.   The “guesser” tries to figure out what item has been chosen.  When the guesser is ready with a guess, both parties place the item they chose down in full view and the results are compared.

This game will often take awhile to get used to, so give the guesser multiple tries before switching roles.     Initially, don’t expect to be right 100% of the time.    Over 30% is good.    

You can use more items, or pairs, for this game, but that does make it much harder for the guesser.  Start slow, and once you master this, then add more items.

For many people, the way to become more accurate at this game is to become more connected to the person playing the game with you, and to read their energy as opposed to focusing as much on the object.  Given this perspective, the more open and connected both you and your partner are, the easier you will both find this exercise.   Think Spock in Star Trek and the mind meld.   With each other’s permission, you can share information without speaking and become quite accurate.

Variation for only ONE PERSON 

One of the aspects of this game is that you are not necessarily tapping into the object itself, but the energy of the person focusing on the object.  Basically you are connecting with another person and sharing a thought, or a concept.  So it may not be so much about the object itself, but about your connection to the person you are playing the game with.

So how would you play a game like this with yourself?

Well, objects have energy as well as humans do.  And so you can still play around with sensing the energy in the objects.   So still pick three different objects to play with, but all you are going to do this time  is hold these objects yourself.    Hold one object at a time, close your eyes, and see or feel what impressions you get when you hold that object.   

Does it feel light?   Does it drain your energy?   Does it make you think of someone or something?  Even though you know what the object is, when you are holding it with your eyes closed you will always pick up on other impressions about the object.

The more often you do this with different objects the better you will become at learning things about the things around you and how they affect you.


Pendulums are fun to play with, and can be used as a sort of a divining tool, to give you yes or no answers.

Find a pendulum.   If you can’t find an actual pendulum, or necklace with a pendant, try stringing a ring on a chain, or any other object that you can thread that has some weight to it.    If you need to use string, shoelaces, or gardening twine instead of a chain, so be it.

Hold your hand about 2 or three inches from the pendant part, using three fingers – the thumb, the forefinger, and the index finger.    Wrap the chain around your hand or fingers if it is too long so it doesn’t dangle and distract you.

You can play around with what works best for you, but many people use their non-dominant hand so they have less chance of influencing the swing.  Others like to use their left hand because it is considered to be connected more to their spiritual side.  Try both.  See what feels best.

Calibrate the pendulum.  Hold the pendant, dangling, and ask – what is my negative pattern?   Watch for movement.

When you are satisfied with the direction of the swing, stop the movement of the pendant.  Now ask it – what is my positive pattern?   Watch for a difference in the movement.

Another way to calibrate the pendulum is to ask it questions that you know the answer to.  Ask it a question that you know the answer is no – like is your name Harry when it’s really Sally – and then ask it a question where you know the answer is yes.

Once you’re comfortable that you know what a yes and a no response looks like, play around asking it some questions you don’t know the answer to.  Initially, it might be a good idea to only ask simple, less important questions, as your energy may shift when there is a lot riding on the answer.    Over time, you will develop some confidence in your answers.

Pendulums generally take some time to get used to working with.  Make a commitment to play with it for a few times each day, asking it a few questions.   Over time you will develop a reliable relationship with it.

Simple Card Deck

Take a piece of paper, fold it so that you arrive at 10 equally sized rectangles (or squares depending on the paper).    

Cut or tear along the folds.   

On each piece of paper write a number, from 0 to 9.

Shuffle the cards.

Ask yourself a question.

Pick one of the paper “cards”.

Numbers can represent stages in the cycle of life, 0 being the beginning, or the land of all possibilities, and 9 being the “winter” phase, or the quiet period.   

In this instance, 1 represents the beginning stages, where seeds and ideas are obtained.    2 is where the seeds or ideas are planted and watered, and 3 is where they are first starting to express themselves.   4 and 5 are the childhood years – the battle between needing structure but wanting room to grow.  6 and 7 are more about refinement, and ideas blossoming into something observable and useable.  Then comes the period where the endeavour finally pays off.    8 is harvest time of all the fruit, abundance and knowledge gleaned in that year or in a lifespan.

See if you can relate the number you chose with the question you asked.  Play this game a few more times, and use your imagination to expand the definitions for the numbers beyond what is provided above.   Look at various ways the numbers can relate back to your question.

Who do you admire?

Write down the names of 5 people – famous people are often easier to think of, but it doesn’t really matter.   Whomever comes to your head – that you admire.

Now, try and think of exactly why you admire them.  What are the key traits that they possess that draw you to them?   

Now, pick one person in particular that stands out to you.  That you feel compelled to focus on more than the others.     Google that person.  Find out some more admirable qualities about that person that you hadn’t necessarily thought of right away.   

Throughout the rest of your day, find ways of incorporating those qualities that you admire into your own interactions with other humans.   Or animals.

Imagination A

In your imagination, go for a walk in a garden.  Any garden.  Anywhere.

It’s a beautiful day.  The sun is shining.  The birds are chirping.

You come across a planting of Herbs.

You are drawn to focus on one in particular.    What is it?

Recapping the exercise

So the ultimate question is what Herb did you get and why?    As you read the questions below,  some of them will feel more important than others to pay attention to.   Part of this exercise is not just about thinking of the herb, but it is about feeling through these questions to see which is most important at this time.

  1. Did you hear the name?  Or did you see the plant and try and identify it by its features?
  2. Was it growing in a healthy way – spread out and robust?
  3. Or was is sparsely distributed?
  4. Do you like the herb?   Do you eat it often?
  5. Do you know what health benefits this herb brings?
  6. Is this an herb that you like eating?  In what kinds of dishes?
  7. When you cook with this herb, does it make you think of someone or something?
  8. Do you have a favourite restaurant that you visit that uses this herb?
  9. Did your grandmother cook with this herb?
  10. What kind of climate does this herb grow best in?    Do you like that climate?

As you ask yourself these questions you should get some ideas as to why you thought of that particular herb.   You also might want to google this herb and see what else you can learn about it.   Perhaps it is an herb you would like to add to your diet for a day or two.

Imagination B

In your imagination, go for a walk down a country road.

It’s a beautiful day.  The sun is shining.  The birds are chirping.

You come across a long driveway and a dog comes out to meet you.

What kind of dog is it?

Is he/she friendly?   Does it bark at you?  Do you feel threatened?  Or does it bound up to you and you pet it

Recapping the exercise

The dog coming down the road can have something to do with how we perceive certain potential stressors in our lives at this moment.  And how we handle the dog has a lot to do with how we are handling stress these days.

  1.  Was the dog big and menacing or small and yippy?
  2. Or perhaps the dog was simply friendly and didn’t bark at all.
  3. Maybe the dog was friendly but wanted to jump all over you?
  4. Did the dog run right up to you, or did it come to the end of the driveway and stop and bark at you from there?
  5. Did you back off, or did you try and find a way to avoid the dog?
  6. Did you you stop and hold out your hand to the dog?
  7. Maybe you just kept walking and the dog stood down once he knew you were not a threat.
  8. Maybe the dog loved you so much he followed you down the road wagging his tail.

There are so many potential scenarios for this encounter.  Once again, think about this dog encounter relative to obstacles or events you are experiencing in your life at the moment.  Are there any similarities?

Imagination C

In your imagination, you are out driving in orchard country.

It’s a beautiful day.  The sun is shining.  The birds are chirping.

You come across a fruit stand and you decided to visit.

There are so many choices.  It is the time of year when everything is ripe and you can have anything you want.

You find yourself focusing on one particular fruit.  What is it?

Recapping the Exercise

There are many reasons why you would focus on a particular fruit.  It could be your absolute favourite.. or it could be something your body could really use right now.

  1.  Do you like fruit?
  2. Is this a fruit you particularly like?
  3. Do you eat this fruit often?
  4. What are the specific vitamins and minerals this fruit contains?
  5. Do you think you might be lacking in this area?

If the fruit is something you don’t eat often, perhaps it is time to be a little more adventuresome with the foods you eat, or the activities you undertake.  if the fruit is something you like and eat often, perhaps you need to surround yourself with familiarity and comfort.    Whatever the answer, one thing is for certain, if this little journey inspired you to go buy some fruit, you should probably just go do it!

Imagination D

Close your eyes, and think of a Rose.   Try and picture as many details as you can of the rose.

What stage of development is it at?   Young buds?  Full bloom?

What colour is the Rose?

Does it have thorns?    Does it have a longer stem?  Are the leaves still on?

Recapping the Exercise

For many people, this is an easy exercise.   Vivid, colourful pictures just come naturally to them.  Some people are not as visual, and may need more prompting to “see” details.

Sometimes when people see less of a picture, but when prompted for details about an object, such as a rose, they can still come up with descriptors.   This simply means that your “knowing” sense might be a bit stronger than your visual sense.    Play to your strengths.   Rely on your knowing sense and don’t worry that you can’t “see” things as well.

Our intuitive senses all improve with practice.   If you would like to improve your visual sense, the first place to start is actually looking at things in “real life”.  Look around.  Observe details.  Become more aware of what things really “look” like.   Then close your eyes.  Try to picture objects and things that are familiar to you.    See how much you can notice.

What you visualize can be used to provide feedback on some topics you may have been thinking about at the time you did the exercise.


What colour was the rose?  And what do you know about colours as they pertain to roses?  i.e. red often denotes romance, yellow = friendship, white = sympathy.

Stage of Growth

What stage of growth was the rose in?  Was it just starting to bud?   This could mean whatever you may have been pondering is in its beginning stages.  Or was the rose in full bloom, expressing itself to its maximum ability?     The stage of growth of the Rose can coincide with something that is going on in your life at this time.


Are you in a “sticky” situation?  Or in a “thorny” situation?  Or do the thorns perhaps represent a natural protection mechanism that is just “good to have”?   Did the rose not have thorns therefore would have been easy to pick?   Or did the not having thorns represent a lack of much needed protection?

Can you spot the personalized message in what you “saw”?

Usually whatever is most dominant in our energy field, or the topic that is at the “top of the pile” in our mind, has an impact as per how we imagine things to be.    This is yet another confirmation that we should always pay attention to what we focus on.   It affects our mood, and even our subconscious thoughts.


Today’s game will be focused around one thing we consume alot of, but really don’t pay much attention to:  Salt.

Did you know that there are different salts. and that they all taste very different?   Head to you local organic store and gather yourself up some different salts.  Pink salt.  Black salt.  Red salt.  Whatever you can find.

Pour a bit of each salt in a different sampling dish.  And for this experiment, also include a sampling of regular table salt.    Taste each of them one at a time.  See how very different they are!

For the second part of the exercise, try tasting the salts blindly and guessing where each of them is from.   Because they are coloured, you might want to use a blind fold for this exercise.

Recapping the Exercise

How did you do with the exercise?   Isn’t it amazing how something we perceive as so generic can actually be so different?

We don’t always pay attention to how important taste is to us.  Food is one of those pleasures in life that is to be savoured.   We cannot enjoy taste when we are etheric.  It is something unique to the human experience.

Our sense of taste sometimes becomes clouded given our society’s typical diet of salt and sugar and not much else.    As we begin to eat healthier foods, in varying combinations of flavours and spices,  we begin to appreciate the vast abundance of “taste” that nature brings to us.

Tastes change.  On a different day you may desire different flavours and different food combinations.  Pay attention to this.  Something that tastes “good” to us is usually a sign that our body desires that.  It is another form of communication between our bodies and ourselves that can lead to a healthier experience


Think of a song.  Maybe one that has been in your head lately.  Or maybe it is something brand new you just thought of in this moment.

Pay attention to the part of the song that comes to mind.  Is it the chorus?   Is it a particular refrain…over and over again?    Or was it just the title or the artist that struck you?

Recapping the exercise

]If the song has been in your head for a few days, what has been going on in your life lately that it might be related to?

Pay close attention to the refrain you keep hearing over and over in your head.  The rest of the song may or may not be relevant, but that one verse or refrain is obviously important.

Google the song to get the rest of the lyrics.  If you don’t know the actual name of the song, type in a few words that you know and the name of the song will generally come up.

If the song just occurred to you at this moment,  it probably has more to do with how you are feeling right now as opposed to being about some on-going issue in your life.   Is it a happy upbeat song or a more serious one?

If you got lyrics, pay attention to what they say.  If you thought more of the song title, or of the singer or composer, ask yourself what qualities you may be focusing on that made that stick out to you.  There are no right or wrong answers.  Explore many possibilities and narrow it down to what feels right to you.    Once again, google is a wonderful asset for this game.    Look it up and see what you get.


We are going to pick one of the following:




Whichever you choose, you must choose one that has labelling on it that suggests the aromas that the product contains.  Often these characteristics are written right on the box or the bag.  If not, sometimes you can find them on the website.

The key is not to pay attention to the list initially, just know that you have access to it.

Make yourself the coffee or tea, or pour yourself that glass of wine, and take your time smelling the aromas before ingesting.  Really spend some time on this exercise.  See what you can pick up on.   Berries.  Chocolate.  Fruit.   Spices.

Now read the “list” of aromas that the maker of the product believes is in there.  See how many you identified.

Recapping the Exercise

Recapping the Exercise

Could you spot the nuances?  Could you recognize any of the smells you were “supposed” to find?

No two people are alike.  No-one will get the exact same answer.  There are many factors that affect our perception – time of day, what we have recently ingested, our level of fatigue are just a few of the influencers.

Your sense of smell is something that can be developed over time.   The more you use your smell, especially for things that please you, the more it will work for you.

Harsh chemicals and prolonged exposure to smells that don’t please us will dullen our senses over time.    Even exposure to “fake” fragrances are ultimately not good for our sensory nerves, and can impede our sense of smell over the long term.     Fresh air and sunshine do wonders to clear the passageways and maintain a sharpness.

The more things you can identify with your sense of smell, the more useful it will be to you.  When students are learning about making wine they are often sent to the grocery store to smell different fruits and substances so that they can better identify those nuances in the wines.    Awareness is the first step in identification.

Try practicing smelling things with your eyes open, and then with your eyes closed.  Sometimes when you take another of your 5 senses away (vision), it changes the way you perceive.  In the short term it can disorient you and make the exercise harder, but in the long term taking away some other sensory input may in fact focus you on the one sense you are using at the moment.

Vision (seeing)


We’re working with the knowing sense.     This is when you just “know” something.  You get ideas.  You get insights.  Often your knowing sense does not work in isolation.  There can be visual clues.  Audible clues.  Which put us on a certain track, place us in a certain frame of mind.  And then when that idea shows up in our heads, we are willing to listen to it because we have had all sorts of other input making us more willing to listen

Pick a problem you are working on.  That you can’t seem to get any answers to.    And do one of three activities:

  1.   Meditate.   Not on the problem per se.   Raise your vibration.   Clear you mind.  Don’t worry about finding the solution.  Just relax.  The problem cannot be solved from the space you were just in.  You must shift your space.
  2. Have a shower.   Or even better yet, a bath.   Water is very cleansing.    The warmth will relax you.
  3. Take a walk.   Fresh air is a great conduit for insights and ideas.   And the motion of walking helps to get ideas flowing.

Don’t focus on your problems while you engage in these activities.  Use them to take a break, get a fresh perspective, and come back in revitalized.    The “new you” will be more willing and able to see things a little differently than you had before.   Which means new ideas will be allowed to flow

Feeling (Touch)

The first part of this exercise is trying to feel the energy between your hands.   So rub your hands together to get the energy flowing, and hold them a fair distance apart.  As you move them closer together, see when it is that you begin to feel a bit of resistance, or a shift in density

The second part of this exercise is trying to feel the difference in energy from an inanimate object, such as a chair or a couch, versus the energy from your body.   So rub your hands together to get the energy flowing, and hold them above each, one at a time.  See if you can feel a bit of resistance, a type of flowing movement, or a difference in density.

Feeling (Emotions)

Think of something in your life that you don’t like, or don’t want.  Something that has been frustrating you lately.   Pay attention to how your body reacts as you think these thoughts.  How does the issue make you feel?  Does your body contract?  Where?

Erase that thought.

Think of something or someone you love.   Maybe a pet.  Maybe an exciting activity.  Maybe a type of food.  Anything that makes you feel expansive and excited, or softer and more loving.   Where in your body do you feel this?

Recapping the exercise

Our thoughts affect our emotions, and our emotions, if we hold on to them, can impact various parts of our body.  Where we feel things, and how we feel them will be a bit different for everyone.

Our emotions respond to our thoughts.   Negative thoughts are more constricting, and loving thoughts are more expansive.  The more we can focus on the things we love and that give us joy, the more we will be able to flow energy and emotions through our bodies and to not hang onto any of it.

Emotions run through our bodies all the time.   Emotions can be a wonderful asset.  A form of communication.  They indicate to us whether we should go toward something – or away from it.  The are of great assistance in finding our focus, setting our goals, and choosing actions we want to take.

The key is not to try and control our emotions, or to block them.  We must let them flow through freely.   We must learn how not to hang onto emotions that constrict us, or we will end up with a more chronic constriction in certain areas of our bodies.

Many of us we taught to suppress our emotions in early childhood.  The process of releasing this suppression could result in some awkward moments, as you learn to feel again.   The highs may be a little too high, and the lows a little too low.  Until we get used to the roller coaster.   Over time you will learn to smooth it out a little.

Emotions are a form of communication.      That is why it is so important that we learn to listen to them.    They are a very important sense which provides a great deal of information to us.   They are worth developing.

Creating Sacred Space

Pick the room you are currently in, or if you would like, find a new room to assess.

Open your eyes.  Look around.  Do you like what you see?  Are there changes you would like to make?

How about using your other senses.  Are there any smells you don’t like?  Sounds?    How does the room “feel” to you.  Does is feel supportive?  Warm?  Inviting?

Can you change it?  Is it a room you have control over, or do you share it with others.   Would any changes that you make be long lasting?

Recapping the Exercise

Your quest to create a sacred space:

Well all need a space that supports us.  Whether it is just our own bedroom in a house, or a special spot in our garden, or a place in a park that you like to visit that feels peaceful to you.   The more often we visit this space, the kinder we are to ourselves and our own needs.

We can have more than one “special” spot.  Each can support us in different ways, at different times.   The most important thing is that we create, or discover, at least one.    It makes it far quicker and easier for us to find balance, especially when we’ve had a tough day

Finding Your Strengths

Some More Tips on Playing to Your Strengths

Confidence is very important.  When we feel confident in something, we are more willing to participate.  We are more excited about any opportunity to engage.

While you’re doing the exercises in the Dust-Off Your Intuition Course, take the time to reward your successes.  Whenever you feel you “get” something, give your self a pat on the back.

Also, with the various exercises, do them more than once, and approach them from a different perspective each time.   Even though we often think we need to visualize things in order to be successful, many people’s “go-to” sense is actually “feeling”, and sometimes “knowing”.    If you are having trouble “seeing”, allow your other senses to guide you.

Secrets to “Tapping In”

Be Kind to Yourself as Your Learn to “Tap In”

”Tapping In” is a skill that can be learned.  It just takes patience.  And practice.

We all come into this world with our unique set of gifts and talents.   When we still our minds, and learn to really listen, we will surprise ourselves at some of the things we already know, we have just “forgotten”.

The Universe communicates to us in so many languages.   Pictures.  Frequency.  Vibration.  Emotions.   Symbols.  Signals.  The spoken language is in fact very limiting.  The language of Symbols course delves into the world of communication.   It will really help accelerate your journey to working with your intuition.

Dustoff Bonus – Numbers

Play the video below it will give you an overview of numbers and their meaning.  Then if you wish, download the accompanying PDF.  Enjoy.

27.  Numbers and the Cycle of Life Exercise

Pick a number.   The relates to what comes to your mind at the moment.

Pick a second number.   This one represents the future.

After watching the video you will have a rough idea of how you may interpret the numbers you chose.    Here is an example for you to reference:

Let’s pretend the question of the day was whether to go out for dinner or to stay at home and cook.    The number one thought of was a 3.

What does 3 represent?    3 represents the beginning phase of a life cycle, when and idea or a concept is just trying to develop.

The second number – the future number was an 5.     What does 5 represent?   Freedom and a phase of high growth.

One potential explanation for the two numbers is that perhaps it would be a good idea to stay at home on this particular evening or if going out for dinner, make it a smaller more casual event.    There will be plenty of opportunities in the near future to have larger and more celebratory evenings out – if that is the goal.

Yes, of course this can be a bit subjective.  The numbers and the clues you receive are simply there to assist in a process of making decisions.  And to act as confirmation for things you may already know inside.  The more you play around with these themes and ideas the more you will be able to trust what you are “getting” and the more helpful they will become

Dustoff Bonus – Colours

In this video we will do a quick exercise with colours, and then we discuss their symbolic meaning. If you wish, you may also download the accompanying PDF – colours and their meaning – which goes into the colour descriptions in more detail. Enjoy.

What is your favourite colour?

Does it change?   Depending on what mood you are in?

Has it changed over the years?

Or is it fairly consistent?

Colours can have a very important effect on our emotions.

When we are attracted to a particular colour, this colour could be perceived to provide support for a certain mood we are in, or for a particular attitude or energy we are embraced in, or wish to energize.

If the colour you are drawn to provides support and makes you feel good – then wear more of it.  if you find yourself in a bit of a funk – change up the colours that surround you.

Understanding what you get

You’ve been playing with these exercises for awhile now, and I’m sure you’re keeping track of your progress and congratulating yourself when you have new aha’s. But as you do the exercises, I’m sure you have some questions. I’m sure you’re now aware there is so much more to experience, and to learn.
Are you ready for the next step? Are you ready to go deeper into your journey of working with your intuition?

29.  Understanding what you “Get”

As an owner of the Dust-Off Your intuition Course, you  have a unique opportunity to upgrade your portfolio with the Language of Symbols Course.   This course is regularly $69, but because you already own Dust-Off, you may upgrade today for only $29.

The Universe communicates to us in so many languages.   Pictures.  Frequency.  Vibration.  Emotions.   Symbols.  Signals.  The spoken language is in fact very limiting.  The language of Symbols course delves into the world of communication.   It will really help accelerate your journey to working with your intuition.

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