Language of Symbols Template

1. Objects and Things (Animals, Plants, Colour, Numbers…)

Animals, Colours, Insects, Numbers, Plants, Vehicles… Putting it all together

2. Actions and Activities

3. Locations

4. Bigger Picture Topics

1, Everyday Communication

2. Cross-Culture Communication

3. The Dark Side of Symbols

Also, with the various exercises, do them more than once, and approach them from a different perspective each time.   Even though we often think we need to visualize things in order to be successful, many people’s “go-to” sense is actually “feeling”, and sometimes “knowing”.    If you are having trouble “seeing”, allow your other senses to guide you.

”Tapping In” is a skill that can be learned.  It just takes patience.  And practice.

We all come into this world with our unique set of gifts and talents.   When we still our minds, and learn to really listen, we will surprise ourselves at some of the things we already know, we have just “forgotten”.

The Universe communicates to us in so many languages.   Pictures.  Frequency.  Vibration.  Emotions.   Symbols.  Signals.  The spoken language is in fact very limiting.  The language of Symbols course delves into the world of communication.   It will really help accelerate your journey to working with your intuition

Language of symbols

Symbols are everywhere!  We use them every day.    But there are symbols that we are “told” to pay attention to, there are also symbols that we have “forgotten” to pay attention to.   There are so many things we encounter in our lives that can be used as a metaphor for something else.When we begin to notice these symbols and appreciate their message, our life begins to flow much more smoothly because we have now opened ourselves to another form of communication.  And communication is good.    Have fun!

]Dust-Off Your Intuition by playing games and exercises targeted at honing your ability to “tap in”, and the interpret and understand what it is you”get”.   The Language of Symbols course helps you not only understand your meditations and waking life communication better, but it will open up your ability to understand your Dreams.   Dreams are a very important means of communication

Would you rather take this one step at a time?  You can get started with the Dust-Off Your Intuition course for only $39.  You still get the membership area, unlimited access, and the money back guarantee.    You will get immediate access to over 20 games and exercises geared to help you Dust-Off Your Intuition.  You can play these games by yourself.  Or you can invite friends over to play.

What you will be missing is the ability to translate and interpret what it is you get.   You can always upgrade later if you would like.  The most important thing is that you get started with something!

In this video we’re going to discuss the different ways the Universe communicates with us, and more specifically the use of symbols and signals as it pertains to understanding our Dreams, our Meditations, and our daytime contemplations.

We are always being communicated to.  What we need is to develop more tools and methodologies in order to understand what it is the Universe is saying.

Using Symbols as a form of communication.

Where do I go to find out more about Dream interpretation and the meaning of different symbols and/or other forms of communication?

There are many books written on symbols and their interpretations. There is also google, There are tons of free websites dedicated to symbol dictionaries and “dream” interpretations. Remember, none of this is an exact science. Even the department of highways gets it wrong sometimes and has to re-work its signs because no-one understood what they were trying to convey.

If you had a dream, and you are looking for the meaning of a symbol in that dream, the only definition that matters at that time is the one that resonates with you. Symbols can have a very personal element to them. But researching the symbols can spark tons of ideas and get the creative juices flowing, and open up your mind to far more possibilities. So it is an important exercise.

Some Common Categories of symbols you can play with to get started are: Numbers, Colours, Animals, Plants, and Flowers.   But once we establish the basics by learning a little bit about how to interpret these, there is so much more we can work with.   For example what you are doing in a dream can be as, if not more, important that where you are or who/what is with you

Yes, in essence, we are talking about learning new languages.   This can be exciting, as it opens up new worlds in terms of understanding our surrounding environment.  Even though in the beginning it may seem overwhelming, in a very short time you will feel the benefits and be glad you did this.

When we are young we generally learn the language our parents and grandparents speak. We are highly motivated to learn this particular language, because that is pretty much the only way we can ask our parents for what we want and need. And, because we are motivated, we tend to learn it quite quickly.

As we get older, learning to communicate in “new” languages can be a little overwhelming. There is much to learn, and we are not as highly motivated because we have already established other means of communicating our wants and needs. We have our lives to run, and we don’t always have the time to practice.

One of the best ways to learn a foreign language is to find a way to motivate ourselves. Immersing oneself in that particular country and culture so that one is forced to learn it in order to interact effectively is incredibly helpful.  Things will happen much quicker that way.   Following this logic, for example if you wanted to learn about nature you might want to go off alone in the bush for a month or two.   You would learn to communicate with your surroundings very quickly… or perhaps perish.  The incentive is definitely there.

Most of us are not quite so adventuresome, but still understand the benefits of broadening our horizons and understanding of the world around us.    Below we have a video that discusses some opportunities we have for you to take you knowledge one step further.  enjoy.

Key Takeaways From This Exercise:

We communicate in many different languages every day, we simply aren’t aware that we are doing itNo matter where we are, our environment is always communicating to us. The more aware we are of our surrounding environment, the easier it is for us to navigate.Communication is a skill that can be learned. It just takes a bit of practice, and an open mind. The greater our ability to see multiple perspectives, the greater our ability to communicate with everyone and everything.

There are so many more ways to communicate than just the spoken word.  Numbers are a significant form of communication.

What numbers have significance to you?

Numbers can be used as a form of communications.   Morse Code is a very good example of the primitive use of numbers to convey messages.   Numbers can be used to represent whatever you want.   If at least two parties agree on their meaning, then they can be used to communicate.  But even within yourself, if a number has a particular meaning to you… they it conveys a message.

Key Takeaways From This Exercise:

Take some time to ponder the numbers in your life, and how you use them.Is there a particular number that “speaks” to you?Are you drawn to numbers as a general rule? Numbers are the basis of many structures and features in our world today.

Numbers as a Reference to The Cycle of Life

Here are some one-word references (meanings) for each number, which, once you understand what each word refers to and why, it will be much simpler to refer back to.

One word definitions:


0 – The beginning and the end. Empty space. Endless possibilites

At first glance the words linked with these numbers may make no sense. But look again. Think of a plant, and its growth cycle. Or, think of a business, and its life cycle. And assume events happen in a chronological order:

You start at the beginning with an idea (1), or a seed that you plant. The seed holds the “blueprint” for what is to be created. When you form the right partnerships (2), the seed will be able to germinate, or express(3) itself. For a seed, the partnerships are with dirt and water. With the right “partners”, the seed is able to “express” itself for the first time. For a business, the first thing an idea needs is the right human, or human(s) to attach itself to. Many, many humans get ideas. Very few feed and water those ideas.

Next you need to create some structure(4) for the now germinated seed. For example, a tomato plant might need a pot or a garden bed, and some sticks and some string or a cage in which to grow into. This basic infrastructure is best put in place early on in the process. With this structure in place, the tomato plant can grow(5) upright and branch out. The structure actually provides the tomato plant with the freedom to express itself in the best way possible. A well-built structure does not impede the plant’s growth, – it enhances it.

As the plant grows into the structure, the way it is conforming to the structure should be revisited often. Stabilizing (6) modifications will have to be made to to provide for optimal expression. For example, branches need to be moved around and supported. When branches grow “freely” they don’t know how to reach out and find the most supportive part of the cage to lean on. It requires some human intervention

For a business, the structure might initially be a set of “plans”. For example, an organizational chart, a description of products and services offered, a marketing plan, and a detailed description of how the back office functions.   These “plans” are not always implemented all at once, but they are there to provide guidance As the business grows and the gaps are filled in, these plans can also be revisited and modified. It is an iterative process.

Once the foundation has been built, and the body of the organization has been established, you can finally move yourself into the next phase of development. Everything is in place to allow for the creation (7), nurturing, and pollinating of the flowers. A lot of “networking” is done at this point. Finally, the plant sprouts fruit, which then needs to ripen, and then the abundance (8) can be harvested.

In the end, when you’re done with this project (9). It is time to reflect upon your successes, and what you might want to do differently next time. Now is the time when you can make some significant adjustments to your goals, because you have a clean slate with which to work with. Soon it will be time to move on to the next project… by planting more seeds. Often you can use the same infrastructure (garden, sticks, twine) from your last “project” and you carry with you the knowledge and experience gained from your last venture, so it will be much easier to produce an even bigger “crop” this next time around.

How Would I Use This?

Well, whenever I see a particular number, I think of the life cycle, and it is a clue to me as to what part of the life cycle a particular business, person, animal, project, etc is in. It provides clues as how to treat things and what their needs might be. For example, when I see the number 5, I think of things like growth, freedom, and self expression. I think of a kid in his/her teenage years. There is lots of growth happening, they need tons of food, and their clothes don’t fit anymore. They still need support but they don’t believe they really need it. They toss it aside and you have to keep reconfiguring it for them. It is a period of great change.

As you can see, one could write an entire essay about any one stage the numbers point to. The single word descriptors I have provided at the beginning do not nearly capture the full picture of what any number represents. The use and acknowledgement of numbers as a form of communication allows for the transmission of a great deal of information very clearly, while consuming a very small amount of time and energy (bandwidth) doing so.

Key Takeaways From This Exercise:

  • An ancient perspective on the use of numbers for communication is tying them to the cycle of life
  • By viewing businesses, projects or tasks with respect to the cycle of life, it can indicate solutions and/or actions to take.
  • When you assign meaning to numbers, they can be used as a quick way of communicating helpful perspectives.

Welcome to the World of Colour

Take some time to get to know yourself a little better as per your attraction or emotional reaction to colour.   Please play the audio and enjoy the exercise.

Colours can mean many things to different people. If a colour has a special significance to you, maybe related to a specific event or a special person in your life, then rely on that first and foremost to interpret their meaning. Below is just a general description of what colours commonly point to:

Red: Basic support. When we think of red we are often directed to basics needed to survive such as food, shelter, water and air. It can also point to basic emotions such as Love. Valentines day uses red hearts. Also, when the most basic needs are not being met, emotions such as fear and anger may be provoked. It is a great colour to use when you are trying to build basic support structures in your life. It is the colour of strength and stability.

Orange: Often represents less basic, but still important, “needs” such as having enough money to get by, or having a vehicle to get around in. It may be associated with attaining the free time, or the ability to be a little bit creative and self expressive. Dancing and singing usually fall under this category. Orange can be used to encourage self-expression. It is a good colour to use to bring fun and frolicking into a gathering.

Yellow: Yellow is usually associated with self identify and belonging. We belong to families, groups, teams, workplaces… All of these may be used to form part of our identity. Groups of people gathered have the power to bring vast amounts of light into any situation. Yellow is often the colour associated with joy and sunshine. Yellow is a great colour to use when you wish to brighten up a room and bring some more “light” in.

Green: Green is often associated with the heart, and with unconditional love. Also, it is associated with a connection to nature and all of our surroundings, and with healing. Green is a great colour to use when clearing spaces as it draws fresh air and natural beauty into a setting.

Blue: Blue is often associated with calmness and introspection. Any communication that comes from this space is considerate and organized. Either coming from the heart or the higher mind. Surrounding yourself with the colour blue will assist you in your pursuit of your life purpose, and with tapping in to your higher potential.

Purple: Purple is the colour associated with tapping into our higher mind. Surrounding ourselves with purple often assists us in working with our intuition and opening ourselves to an abundance of resources, including information and inspiration.

Black is in some ways a blending of all colours, yet also a state where no colour can be seen. Black is slimming. Blacks allows people to blend into most environments. Sometimes blending in is what is appropriate at the time.

White is actually a combination of all colours, even if this is not readily intuitive, it can be seen when you hold a prism up to a ray of white light:  what you see is a rainbow of colour as the prism separates the light into colourful rays.   Because it is a blend of all colours, white can represent harmony, peace and purity.  White light shines neutrally on all situations, perceived to be revealing the of truth. Wearing white is very noticeable, and can make a person appear approachable.  It also portrays a message of trust, openness and sincerity.

Key Takeaways From This Exercise:

The colours you like and don’t like can be a very personal choice. Some colours may bring you comfort. Some may not.Colour can affect our emotions in not-so-subtle ways. For this reason alone it is worth paying attention to.The colours you are drawn to can change on a daily basis. Certain colours can be used to strengthen certain activities or desired behaviours in our lives.

Colour Revisited

There is so much to discuss about colour that we thought we needed yet another exercise on the topic.

Take some time to get to know yourself a little better as per your attraction or emotional reaction to colour.   Please play the audio and enjoy the exercise.

Colours are very important.  They can affect us emotionally even when we are not aware.   Watch the video below more more insights

Key Takeaways From This Exercise:

  • The colours you wear can reflect how you perceive yourself, and they can also affect how others perceive or interact with you.
  • Sometimes we wear certain colours to “blend in” and not be seen, while other times we wear colours to stand out, and sometimes we wear certain colours to connect more with those around us.
  • Throughout the course of the day, as moods and activities change, you will be drawn to different colours.
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