Finding your intuitive strengths, Tapping in consistently and reliably, and Understanding what the heck it is you just “got”. Intuition is a skill. It can be learned. In this course we do it in a fun, worry-free environment through games and exercises.
Your Intuition holds the key.
Watch the Video to find that “shortcut” – gain the confidence to listen to that “inner voice” consistently and reliably.
In this video we discuss how to hone your skills and gain confidence in being able to use your Intuition reliably and consistently to make your life work for you.
Do you use your Intuition as often as you’d like to? At the heart of every good decision you’ve ever made in life, was the courage and ability to listen to your intuition.
What if “Issues” in your life suddenly didn’t seem so big?
Ever wondered what if would be like if you Could See Everything from 20,000 feet? To have all your worldly problems just dissolve into tiny little dots?
Your Intuition is your Gateway
Make Better Decisions
Reduce the Stress in Your Life
Create Your Ideal Life
“Tap In” to Your Inner Knowing
Make Better Decisions
When you not only have access to – but understand how to process and use the information you are getting, you are far better equipped to make decisions in your life, no matter how big or small.
Dissolve Stress
In any stressful situation, it is always comforting to know that you always have more than one choice, and that you have a fast and effective way of identifying those choices.
Create Your Ideal Life
Every choice you make sets you on a path. Use your own infinite resources to make better choices every day, setting you on the path to an enriching and fulfilled life.
Expand Your Intuition is a 5 Week Course
Each week you will be given Exercises and “fun” activities to do, all focused on honing your ability to “tap in” and interpret your intuitive information. By the end of the course you should know how to answer some of those burning life questions with comfort and ease.
Week One: Identify Your Strengths
Everyone is different. We can’t compare ourselves to others and how they “do” it. Yes, you will look at others and say “wow they are so much better than me at…” But others will look at you and say, “wow, you’re so much better than me at…” In this course we will be focused on identifying and enhancing your own unique assets.
Week Two: “Tapping in”
Learn skills that will assist you in getting complete and accurate information. Information is constantly transmitted in multiple formats to multiple senses. Ultimately, developing your ability to perceive is one of the biggest keys, and a major focus of this course.
Week Three: Interpret What You “Get”
We can receive all the messages we want, but if we don’t have a clue what they mean or what to do with them, we are lost. A very important skill is how to translate what you receive. As you become comfortable with your own unique language, your understanding will skyrocket.
Week Four: Putting it all together
Week Five: Practice, Practice, Practice
Bonus 1: Shift Your Vibration
We have included two meditation journeys/activations which will open up your vibrational centres and put you in a higher, more relaxed state. From here you may access better Insights and Ideas, and feel more Protected as you play around in a big bubble of light.
Bonus 2: Dust-Off Your Intuition
The Dust-Off your Intuition course has tons more exercises and experiences. This course covers some very basic concepts of tapping in and working with your senses. There are so many ways to play, and it’s always fun to see things from new perspectives. Do the exercises by yourself, or invite some friends over to play…
Bonus 3: The Language of Symbols
Symbols are a very important means of communication. This is a series of video tutorials covering the meanings/interpretations of colours, numbers, animals and plants. Once you start paying attention to symbols you will see them everywhere!
Thank you for this. And thank you for all you do. You are truly very gifted and you present your work in some of the most loving, positive energy I have ever experienced!
First, this course is such a blessing and it’s mirroring where I am at and lovingly assisting me in exploring my own curiosities, strengths and blockages. Next, the meditation that you included…Wow! I was in tears. Thank you
I walked away with a much better understanding of how to access my intuition, than I could ever have with another teacher or by reading a book.
1. Can this help me talk to my angels and guides?
Communicating with your angels and guides is a skill. Yes, you heard it correctly. it is a skill. Because they are always talking to you. But do you listen? Can you listen? Do you know how to listen?
You can feel them. Maybe its a warmth. A flood of energy. You can see them. Maybe its the proverbial bright light. Or maybe it’s through a symbol. Like a bird. Or a butterfly. You can hear them. Through a song on the radio. Or through your dog’s bark right at a particular moment. As you hone your ability to “tune in” and listen, you will improve your ability to receive pictures, thoughts, and ideas on a consistent basis
2. How Do I Learn to “Listen”?
One issue we all have on this planet at the moment is that there is so much “noise” going on that we find it difficult to listen for for what we really wish to hear. And many of us have just “tuned out” entirely becuase we are simply overwhelmed and overstimulated. Part of the process is to develope a better filter for all this input.
The Expand Your intuition Course helps hone our “listening” skills, our ability to see/hear/feel beyond what we have (in the past) been paying attention to. The objective is to be able to ignore all the “noise” without sacrificing our ability to sense and feel the things we desire to experience. This is a skill. It can be learned. it just take a bit of practice
3. Tell Me Again: Why do I want to Expand My Intuition?
There are many reasons, listed below are but a few:
Make Better Decisions: When you are able to access higher thoughts and ideas, you are able to see greater perspectives. When you “know” more about something, you are in a far better position to make decisions. This can be about relationships, this can be about carreer opportunities, this can be about investments. Anything and everything .
Reduce the Stress in You Life: When you can see things from a broader perspective, you will see more options and more opportunities. You will feel more relaxed because you realize you have far more choices that you can make than just the typical one or two. You will be able to find more optimal solutions without having to stress about the outcome.
Create Your Ideal Life: When you can see where you are going you will be able to map out some goals, and plot a path to the life you desire. You intuition is such a valualbe asset in recieving insights and fresh ideas to get you on the “right” path.
Save Time: Find that parking spot in the busy mall: This is often said as a joke. Because for some people it seems so limiting to focus on using this immense powerful asset for something so mundane as finding parking spots. But the truth is that we should practice working with our intuition every day, for every thing. This is how we will learn to trust it.
Meet New People that are just like you: When you develope your intution you end up with more synchronicities and coincidences in you life. You will end up having people come along to help you in your journey at just the right time. And you will end up with opportunities to help others right when they need it. In these cases, it usually works out as a win-win. You both end up helping each other
4. What if I decide I don’t want it? Can I get my money back?
There is a 30-Day money-Back guarantee, if for any reason you decide this product does not work for you. I haven’t had anyone say that to me yet, however I do respect that this could happen. You don’t have to prove you tried it out and did all the exercises in order to get your money back. Just send us an email and we will refund you
5. What If I get stuck and need to ask a question?
Inside the Course gateway there is a special contact area for submitting questions and comments. If you need help interpreting something, or you would like more clarification on something, just send us a note and we will gladly get back to you.
6. Does the Membership Expire?
No it does not expire. You can access it as often as you’d like for as long as you’d like
7. How do I access the membership area?
As soon as you sign up you will be sent to a page where you will change your password to something meaningful that you can remember, and then you can log in and begin playing.
8. Can these games and/or exercises be played with more people?
Yes. There are some games and exercises included that would be fun to play with friends. Have people over for coffee and have a few laughs and hone our skills. It will be something you remember for a long time.
9. How much does this Course cost?
The Expand Your Intuition Course is $199.
10. I’m really busy right now I’m not sure I can complete the course in 5 weeks.
You can take the course at the pace you would like. Yes, we are going to send you encouraging emails to ensure you remember to do the exercises, and we do have unlimited email support in case you get stuck. But if you would like to take even 6 months or a year to work your way through the course, then that is fine. Take as long as you’d like.
Lifetime Access to the Course Material As soon as you register you will be given a link to a private members area where all the course material resides. This is a 5 week course, and the suggested pace is one module each week for a total of 5 modules. (You can go faster if you really want to, if you are “getting it” quickly. Once the course is complete, you may refer back to any or all of the course material as often as you would like.
Multiple Formats Available. Exercises and lessons are delivered in video format. There are also MP3 recordings and PDF slides available for download. Any Questions? Please Contact Us Here
Life is too short to waste even one more moment spinning your wheels in the “mud”
Would You Prefer to Simply “Dust-Off” Your Intuition?
Dust-Off Your Intuition is a compilation of over 20 exercises and games you can play which will greatly assist you in developing your intuitive abilities. All of the exercises and games are accompanied by a recap and explanation as to why the exercise is important and some of the things you will have gleaned from them
Be Kind to Yourself as You Learn to “Tap-In”
”Tapping In” is a skill that can be learned. It just takes patience. And practice.
We all come into this world with our unique set of gifts and talents. When we still our minds, and learn to really listen, we will surprise ourselves at some of the things we already know, we have just “forgotten”.
The Universe communicates to us in so many languages. Pictures. Frequency. Vibration. Emotions. Symbols. Signals. The spoken language is in fact very limiting. The language of Symbols course delves into the world of communication. It will really help accelerate your journey to working with your intuition