Intuition – The process

 Harnessing Your Intuition is a Circular Process, but can be best described in Five Steps:



Step 1:  Get Perspective  (Shift Your Vibration)

Open to receive insights :  “Shift your vibration” so you can access energies you desire, where you can access your “highest and best” ideas and insights.   Many people use meditation to access these states.  Some people access these states while performing repetitive tasks such as raking leaves or washing dishes.    People who are highly focused on an activity (i.e. athletes) can also access these states. Yet sometimes it is as simple as turning off the TV and going for a walk outside in the fresh air.



Step 2:  Perceive.   “Tap-in”.  Tune-in to your Senses.

“Tune-in” to your senses in order to perceive your environment.   Working with our senses is a skill we could all improve upon.  Our senses are a very important navigational tool for everyone on the planet.   The more we “awaken” our senses, the more control we have.   The more aware we are of our surroundings, the more opportunity we have to find our path.  Conversely, the more we dullen our senses, the more lost and disconnected we become


Step 3:  Translate.  Understand What It is You Are “Getting”

Identify the Inputs:  In order to make use of the information we are receiving, we must learn how to interpret what it is we are “getting”.  Information comes in a variety of formats:  pictures, “feelings”, emotions, thoughts, sounds, smells….  the more familiar we are with the “inputs”, the easier it is for us to interpret, or translate the information.   The more we practice, or “play” with receiving and translating, the more robust our understanding becomes.


Step 4:  Narrow Your Focus.  Practice Discernment to Choose the “Highest and Best” Things to Focus on

Find a Focus that serves you in this moment.   This is the process of taking all the wonderful insights and ideas you are receiving, and creating a “short list” of what works for you in this moment.  This process initially involves choosing something, examining it, and then deciding whether to keep it or discard it.   We will never learn anything in life if we are always skating on the surface.  We must make choices.  But in order to really understand the choices we are making, we must “dive in”, and really “feel” what our options are.  The goal is to learn discernment.   How do we identify what the “best” choice would be?   What would be “best” in any given circumstance?    This is a skill.    It can be learned.   And it can always be improved.


Step 5:  Choose Your Experience

Choose from a set of “highest and best” options, and use these in your “new” experience.  Dive in and enjoy the choice that you have made.   Take action.  And, as you are having that experience, observe.    What worked?  What could you improve upon?   What would make it even better?

Use that experience to broaden your perspective.  The more experience we have, the more information we can input back into the process.    Use that broader perspective to perceive even more of your environment.  The more we can perceive, the more choices and opportunities we have access to

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