What is a Roadmap?
When you travel, it is often beneficial to invest in a roadmap. A roadmap tells you what the fastest routes to your destination is, and it also points out the more scenic routes you may want to travel if you have more time on your hands.
A roadmap does not tell you where you HAVE to go. It merely offers suggestions. The driver is always in full control.
A roadmap will often point out WHY you might go to a certain destination over another one. The driver of the vehicle then assesses this information and determines where it is they actually go, what route to take, how fast they go, and how many stops to make along the way.
As long as you can figure out where you are, and where you want to go, a roadmap will show you what you need to do to get there. Even if you make a wrong turn, the roadmap will show you what you need to do to get back on track. No matter how long it takes.
A roadmap also points out places of interest, so that you can plan your stops along your journey. Maybe you will make a few stops at places that interest you, stretch your legs, learn something new, before you get back in your vehicle and continue on your way.
What is an Awakening Journey Roadmap?
A lot of people on the planet are waking up at this time. What does it mean to \”wake up\”? It simply means that we begin to realize things are not really what they seem. There are so many things about this planet and our role here that humanity has been \”in the dark\” about for a very long time. There are so many layers to this. There are so many topics to cover. And there are so many perspectives as per what is and what isn\’t really going on.
This \”Awakening Journey Roadmap\” does not tell you what you NEED to learn more about, or what perspective you NEED to hold about any one topic. This roadmap merely points out how to enable your mind, body, and energy so that you can become more discerning about what is \”true\” and what is not helpful. You will better be able to answer the questions; Where do I want to place my intention and focus? Why? How? What do I do now?
As you work with your own intuitive abilities, your own energy systems, and gather your own sets of knowledge and experience, you will tap into your true passion, and look forward to getting up in the morning and pursuing your dreams and vision.
One thing I have learned from travelling – no two people have the exact same experience, even if they visit the exact same place at the exact same time. Everyone has their own perspective. Everyone has their own set of talents, likes, and desires. Some people love chocolate. Believe it or not, some people don\’t.
To be truly free, it is not about \”fitting in\”, and liking a destination just because someone else does. Find your passion. Find what YOU like. Spend most of your time feeding that passion. Expanding your knowledge, experience and skills in that area. Yet, at the same time, be open to new inputs.
Appreciate others for their choices, and be willing to \”walk a mile in their shoes\”. Learn from each other. Allow others to show you what they are passionate about. Be adventuresome. Try new things. You may never master everything your try. But at least you will know something about it. You will have an experience that you can relate back to. This is how we grow. This is how we expand.
Things are always changing, energy is always flowing. The world is constantly in motion. We are here on this planet at this time to have our OWN experience. The beauty that we can bring to others, and what others can bring to us is support, advice and assistance when we are going through the process of choosing our own experience. Everyone has a \”piece of the puzzle\”. Something to contribute. Find out what that is, and cherish it.
The Journey
How many times have we heard the expression \”life is a journey\”? At any given time in your life, you can feel as if that journey is hard and treacherous, or, it can feel like you\’re \”on vacation\”. How do we make it feel more like a vacation? How do we create a life that is rewarding and fulfilling? Full of purpose? As opposed to full of obligation and energy-draining?
When I am on vacation, I find a roadmap invaluable. It really helps me plan my day, and narrow down the places I might want to visit, or plan to have my own experience at. This really helps me focus, and it also gives me a benchmark to measure my progress. And, by keeping the map around after my journey has ended, I can later reflect back on the things I encountered: Where is that place again? How did I get there? Did I enjoy that place? Would I go back? Would I recommend the place to others?
My friends have dubbed my approach to travelling as \”planned spontaneity\”. I plan where I want to go, but I do not plan every second of every day. I have a few ideas, or suggestions from people who have visited before, but from there I allow the experience of that place to unfold on its own.
When you travel, you never know who you will meet, what you will see happening while you are there, conversations you will have, or even little side-trips you might make. This is the adventure. Allow for good things to unfold. Go with the flow. Be open. And you may meet some interesting people, you might arrive the day of a festival you didn\’t know about, or you may find an adventure to take you didn\’t know about. These have all happened to me at different times on different \”adventures\”, and they have created some of the most fantastic memories.
The Application
In our lives, we all need some structure to work with. Without it, we often end up \”all over the map\”. This is why it is a good idea so take some time to plan our journey a bit ahead of time. We \”get out the map\”, and we study it a bit. We write down the destinations that appeal to us. Maybe we research them a little bit. And then we plan our journey. We then know what direction we are going in, and what the most important stops are going to be along the way.
We then set out on our journey with confidence, and a feeling of being supported, because we \”know where we are going\”. We can then make stops along the way, confidently knowing that these stops do not mean we are \”off track\”. When we\’re done with our stop, we can easily check our map and get back on the road again, knowing where it is we want to go next. The confidence we obtain from knowing we are indeed going in the direction we want to go, means we can enjoy the journey free from stress, and be more receptive and discerning about what we encounter.
On our journey, it is important to embrace the freedom and flexibility to stop and \”smell the flowers\”, and to respond to little intuitive impulses to \”go check something out.\” Along the way, there will always be those pleasant little surprises that we did not plan for, and are certainly not indicated \”on the map\”.
When we are relaxed and \”going with the flow\”, we are more apt to encounter people or events that occur because we are \”at the right place at the right time\”. It is times like these that make the entire journey worthwhile. While these events are never indicated on the map, if we were not following the path we so patiently laid out for oneself, we might be so lost and confused and stressed out that we would not be able to notice these wonderful opportunities.
The beauty of having some structure, and knowing \”where we are going\” and \”how to get there\”, is that we have freed up many resources to really focus on experiencing the \”little things\” we encounter along the way, while at the same time feeling comfortable and confident in where we are and what we are doing.
In Summary:
A roadmap does not tell you where you HAVE to go. A roadmap only shows you where everything is. YOU get to decide where exactly it is you would like to go, which route you would like to take to get there, how long you would like to take, and how many stops you would like to make along the way.
A roadmap allows you to plan your journey, and it offers you the ability to \”get back on track\” when you get sidetracked. By following a roadmap, you can have the confidence of knowing where you are at any given time. This offers the freedom and flexibility to stop and have experiences along the way, without having to worry about getting lost. Without the stress and confusion of \”feeling lost\”, the experiences we do have are always richer and more rewarding.