We are all vibrational beings. At our core, our vibration is relatively constant, and uniquely identifiable. It is a compilation of all that we have been, and all that we will be. On the surface, our vibration shifts regularly, to do both with how we respond to our external environment, as well as how we “manage” ourselves internally, on any given day.
When you feel you\’re having a bad day, there are some things you can do to shift the energy rather quickly – play pleasing music, look at something picturesque, smell the flowers, walk in the grass, hug a tree, eat an ice cream sundae…. indulge your five senses! Tapping into other humans who are NOT having a bad day can also help. Try this free activation and see if the energy transmission in it helps. It was recorded on a GOOD day:
Download a Free PDF outlining the Four Most Important Steps to take in order to Shift Your Vibration on a lasting basis. This includes an actual \”game plan\” to make some longer term, lasting changes to your vibration. You can get it HERE
When you sign up for either of these \”freebies\” above, you will also receive a PDF outlining the things you can do TODAY (all the written information on the rest of this page) to shift your vibration. This is something you can print out and put somewhere handy so you can reference it when you are feeling down.
Do You Want To Shift Your Vibration Now?
This is a list of things you can do today to shift your vibration. For each item on the list, pick the steps that seem simplest for you to implement and do them right away. Ease the pain. Then, when you are a little more relaxed, delve deeper into each of the subject areas and you will find links to great resources. Enjoy.
What You Ingest
Food: Eat lighter foods. The closer it is to being \”alive\” the better it will make you feel. (Fresh picked vegetables are considered \”alive\”). Also, make sure you get enough protein. When we don\’t get enough protein our energy levels drop. Thirdly, try your best to avoid chemicals and pesticides and additives such as MSG and high fructose corn syrup. This can, at times, be hard to do because it is seemingly in everything.
Air: Pay attention to your surroundings. The air in the city is not nearly as pure as the air by the ocean, or in the country, or on a mountaintop. Give yourself a break once in awhile and go to a nice location where the air is purer and breathe deeply. Clean out your lungs.
Water: In the very least invest in a Britta filter. It doesn\’t cost that much and you will be much happier. Chlorine kills everything in your stomach, good and bad, and will lead to digestive issues. Worse still, some people have chloramine in their water supply. This does not evaporate by boiling like chlorine does. Basically it is ammonia attached to chlorine. It wreaks havoc on the plumbing system in your house. What do you think it does to your body? Filter your water. Or find yourself some spring water to drink. We all need to drink more water. Part of the reason we don\’t, I believe, is that we instinctually know our water is poisoning us, so we hold off. Take care of the water issue NOW!
What You Perceive
See: Pay attention to your surroundings. Find pleasing things to look at, like artwork you enjoy. Notice the colours that you wear, the colours on the walls in your house, and the colours of the accessories you carry with you. Seek out colours that make you FEEL good. This changes. Daily. Support yourself by providing a number of colour choices in your wardrobe.
Taste: Introduce yourself to some new flavours, or make a concerted effort to find yourself something to indulge in that stimulates your taste buds. Eating is supposed to be a pleasurable indulgence.
Smell: Aroma is important. We may not notice it unless it is strong – either good or bad, but even subtle scents can affect our mood and our thoughts. Fund some scents that please you and keep them handy. Some people get headaches from artificial scents because they are created with chemicals. The more natural the better. A simple trick for making your house smell nice is to simmer some lemons and herbs in a pot on your stove.
Hear: Find and play music you enjoy. That inspires you and motivates you. Surround yourself with sounds and vibrations that work for different moods or tasks you may want to accomplish. For example, meditation music is very different than dinner-making music. Spend some time finding new sounds that you enjoy and find a way to add them to your collection.
Feel: Wear clothes that are comfortable. Pick up objects like stones, crystals, sea shells…. objects that have a calming, natural vibration to them. Hug a tree.
Your Surroundings
Pay attention to where you are and how that affects you emotionally. Sometimes you will need to go places in order to accomplish your daily tasks, even though these places drain your energy and put you in a less-than-happy mood. Create a \”sacred\” space in your house that makes you feel good, and when you come home you can go there and spend some time re-charging. This can be an alter. or this can be a music room. or this can be a study or a reading room. It must suit YOU. If your home is supportive to you energetically, it will be much easier to go anywhere in the world because you know you have a safe place to come back to regenerate. For fun, when you have some time, make a point of going on some adventures to magical destinations that inspire you and make you feel good. You will never forget the experience.
Your Thoughts
Thoughts are a big one. We can get really bogged down by those big though forms circling around and around in our heads. The goal is to change it up. Get out of the thought \”vortex\” and find something new to focus on. And remember, the majority of these thought forms are not yours, you are just temporarily stuck in them. For example, if you are a sensitive person, and someone that \”needs\” you is focussing on you, they can drag you into a thought vortex and you won\’t understand why you can\’t escape. Be aware of this. Don\’t engage. Shift your focus any way you can. Focus on a things that are important to you and that give you joy. And use other powerful tools such as sound and vibration to give you a boost out. Engage in an activity that requires 100% of your attention, as this way you cannot return to that thought form. Sports are great for this. Chasing some sort of little ball around may, to some, seem like a pointless pursuit, but if it captures your focus and attention it is a great way of clearing your mind of cluttering thoughts. Also, running around makes you breathe deeply and gets the blood circulating which helps in clearing stuck energies.